Friday, November 25, 2016

Mis dos papás

Mis dos papás 
by Ignacio R. Floridi 
illus. by Aldana Romanin
Language: Spanish 
Ignacio R. Floridi, 2015.
Summary: Mis dos papás, es un libro infantil que cuenta la historia de un niño, que presenta a su familia de una manera divertida y amorosa e invita a presentar la tuya. El objetivo del libro es promocionar la diversidad familiar, y dar cuenta que hay tantas formas de ser familia,como personas que la integran. Las ilustraciones fueron confeccionadas a mano y pintadas con acuarelas. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Meidän pihan perhesoppa

Meidän pihan perhesoppa 
by Riina Katajavuori; Riikka Toivanen; Maiju Tokola 
illus. by Christel Rönns 
Language: Finnish 
Helsinki : Tammi, © 2015 
34 s. : kuv. ; 25 cm. 
ISBN: 9789513185022 ; 9513185028
Summary: Pontus the Penguin Goes Visiting is a reference book skilfully disguised as a picture book, designed for all families. The story naturally takes the reader from one family to the next as Pontus, the nursery’s soft toy penguin, goes home for the evening with one child in turn. First he visits Kirsikka, then Ilona, Kauri and Malviina. The story amusingly and simply explains how all of them were made in a way that small listeners can easily understand. Along the way we learn about in vitro fertilisation, egg and sperm donation, a two-mum family and adoption. 
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Saturday, November 12, 2016

I like hot dogs

I like hot dogs 
by Thomas V. Seminara 
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt 
Language: English 
TomNao Books, 2016. 
42 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0997672501 ; 9780997672503
Summary: A pelican is supposed to like fish, but not this pelican. Phineas the pelican prefers hot dogs. When his mother scolds him for not liking fish like all the other pelicans, he tries again to like fish by snatching up his next fish. But when he scoops up a fish on his attempt to give fish another try, the fish he captures happens to speak Pelican and asks him to please not eat him. He wants to live he says, plus he is still young. The pelican didn’t want to eat him anyway so that was fine with him. The pelican admits to his new friend that he actually prefers hot dogs. And the fish admits that he too is different in that he can speak Pelican. The two form a bond. This is the story of a friendship between two unique individuals and a metaphor about being different.

The Boy and The Yellow Cheese

The Boy and The Yellow Cheese 
by Thomas V. Seminara 
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt 
Language: English 
TomNao Books, 2016. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 069269983X ; 9780692699836
Summary: Did you know that even the smallest good deed can make a large impact on someone else's life? Most people may not think much about it but this is what a boy named Will would learn in the most unexpected way. Will loves yellow cheese. Just the thought of it makes his mouth water! One day after school, Will quickly made his way to Whitman's to buy a quarter pound of his favorite treat. Being a large man with a ruddy complexion, white hair and white moustache, Mr. Whitman can easily overwhelm anyone - especially a small boy like Will. Will ordered a quarter pound of his favorite yellow cheese. However, as Will dug into his pocket, he realized he forgot his money. What should he do? Suddenly, a petite old lady wearing a blue dress and a pearl necklace came to Will's rescue. She paid for his cheese and smiled. Will quickly grabbed his cheese and ran out, without even thanking her. Oddly, years later, Will still thinks about the Lady. Will they meet again? What will he do when he sees her? In this story, you will realize that even the smallest good deed can really make a huge impact! 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Esst ihr Gras oder Raupen? Do you eat grass or caterpillars? : a book about families, arguing, and listening

Esst ihr Gras oder Raupen? Do you eat grass or caterpillars? : a book about families, arguing, and listening 
by Cai Schmitz-Weicht 
illus. by Ka Schmitz 
Languages: German and English 
Viel und Mehr, 2016. 
p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
Summary: Mikolaj, Mara, Yasmin, Lenny und Tariq entdecken beim Spielen zwei kleine Elfen, die sich lauthals streiten. Wie eine echte Menschenfamilie aussieht, ist die verzwickte Frage der beiden. Eher wie bei den Ameisen – viele Erwachsene und viele Kinder, die Raupen essen? Oder eher wie bei den Rehen, wo Gras gefressen wird und die Mutter ein bis zwei Kinder allein im Gebüsch liegen lässt? Die Kinder erklären den beiden Streithähnen jeweils ihre eigene Familie. Und heraus kommt… 

Mayas venninne har to mammaer

Mayas venninne har to mammaer 
by Svava Kristin Thorhallsdottir 
illus. by Camilla Løken 
Language: Norwegian
CreateSpace, 2015. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1518787827 ; 9781518787829
Summary: Fortellingene om Maya er humoristiske og lettleste. Maya er en jente som bor i en by og går i barnehagen. I fortellingene følger vi Maya og ser hverdagen igjennom hennes øyne. I denne boken er Maya forvirret. Faren hennes sier at det er ekkelt og rart at Lise har to mammaer, og når Maya sier det til Lise blir hun kjempelei seg. Maya ville ikke såre Lise, men hun skjønner ikke helt hva hun har gjort galt.

Jule hat zwei Mamas

Jule hat zwei Mamas 
by Birgit Stupperich 
illus. by Thomas Euteneuer 
Language: German MDK MEDIAPRINT; Auflage: Neuausg. (1. August 2015). 
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 3000497390 ; 9783000497391
Summary: Jule weiß schon lange, dass sie ein Pflegekind ist. Eines Tages wird sie von ihrer besten Freundin gefragt, warum sie denn eigentlich zwei Mamas hat. Jule ist überrascht, so direkt hatte sie das bisher noch niemand gefragt. Mit einem kribbeligen Gefühl im Bauch erzählt sie Theresa zum ersten Mal, wie es dazu kam, dass sie bei Pflegeeltern aufwächst. Dieses Buch soll Pflegekindern dabei helfen, ihre Situation besser zu verstehen. Pflegeeltern bietet es die Möglichkeit, zu dieser Thematik leichter ins Gespräch zu kommen. Außerdem liefern zahlreiche Impulse Ideen, auf welche Weise sie ihrem Pflegekind bei der Auseinandersetzung mit seiner Geschichte hilfreich sein können. 

Deux garçons et un secret

Deux garçons et un secret 
by Andrée Poulin 
illus. by Marie Lafrance 
Language: French 
De la Bagnole, 2016. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 2897141697 ; 9782897141691 
Summary: Émile et Mathieu sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils partagent leurs jeux. Leurs collations. Et leurs secrets. Un beau matin, Émile fait une découverte dans le carré de sable. Ça lui donne la "plus meilleure idée" de toute sa vie. Sauf que certains trouvent que c’est la plus mauvaise idée de toute sa vie. Que fera Émile? 

The boy & the bindi

The boy & the bindi 
by Vivek Shraya 
illus. by Rajni Perera
Language: English 
Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1551526689 ; 9781551526683 
Summary: In this beautiful children’s picture book by Vivek Shraya, author of the acclaimed God Loves Hair, a five-year-old South Asian boy becomes fascinated with his mother’s bindi, the red dot commonly worn by Hindu women to indicate the point at which creation begins, and wishes to have one of his own. Rather than chastise her son, she agrees to it, and teaches him about its cultural significance, allowing the boy to discover the magic of the bindi, which in turn gives him permission to be more fully himself. Beautifully illustrated by Rajni Perera, The Boy & the Bindi is a joyful celebration of gender and cultural difference. 

Enid and her two mums

Enid and her two mums 
written and illus. by Jessica Skogstad
Language: English 
Summary: Enid wonders why many kids at school have a mum and a dad, while she has two mums. Discover what Enid finds out about families. 

You began as a wish

You began as a wish
by Kim Bergman
illus. by Irit Pollack
Language: English 
More information: