Punkpapporna i London
by Liz Wennberg
illus. by Jacob Segerstedt
Language: Swedish
col. ill ; cm.
ISBN: 9789186589332
Summary: Punkpapporna i London är en fristående uppföljare till Punkpapporna som kom 2010. Cornelia bor med sina 2 pappor, men hennes pappor är inte bara pappor de är punkare också! För ett år sedan flyttade Cornelia från London till Sverige med sina två pappor. Alla i byn blev jättenyfikna, för hur bär man sig egentligen åt när man är Punkare? Nu är det dags att åka tillbaka till London på besök, och Cornelia tar med sig kompisgänget. De lyckas alltid ha något fuffens för sig. Cornelia vill ha en hundvalp och Martin vill ha en tatuering Den här gången tar de sakerna i egna händer.
Available: http://www.bokus.com/bok/9789186589332/punkpapporna-i-london/
Picture books for children about the experience of knowing or having a gay parent, family member, or friend, as well as books for gender nonconforming kids.
- Home
- Lesbian mothers
- Gay fathers
- Trans People
- Aunts and Uncles
- Gay Grandparents
- Alternative Family Building
- Gay Marriage
- Family Diversity
- Mixed Race Families
- Gender Nonconformity
- Books About Being Different
- AIDS (Disease)
- Notable Gays and Lesbians
- Bullying
- Cross-Dressing
- Tomboys
- Gay Pride
- Homophobia
- Books in Other Languages
Sunday, December 29, 2013
The bravest knight who ever lived
The bravest knight who ever lived
by Daniel Errico
illus. by Mo Qovaizi
Language: English
Pajama Publishing, 2013.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9780989607827
Summary: Cedric, the bravest knight, is one of the first children's book characters to not just be part of an LGBT family, but to be a homosexual protagonist himself. It’s after he saves the day and defeats a pumpkin-eating dragon that his love for a prince, and not a princess, is revealed.
Available: http://pajamapublishing.com/
by Daniel Errico
illus. by Mo Qovaizi
Language: English
Pajama Publishing, 2013.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9780989607827
Summary: Cedric, the bravest knight, is one of the first children's book characters to not just be part of an LGBT family, but to be a homosexual protagonist himself. It’s after he saves the day and defeats a pumpkin-eating dragon that his love for a prince, and not a princess, is revealed.
Available: http://pajamapublishing.com/
same-sex relationships,
Prinsen och Pojken
Prinsen och Pojken
written by Isak Fearon
illus. by Roberth Fearon
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2013.
54 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9789186589318
Summary: Det var en gång en prins och en pojke. Prinsen bodde i ett stort slott bland molnen och pojken bodde i en stuga i den stora skogen. En gemensam önskan skulle föra dem samman, önskan om att finna en hjärtevän. Sagan handlar om att finna kärleken mot alla odds och att ha modet att våga vara sig själv. Prinsen och Pojken är en modern och inkluderande tolkning av den klassiska sagan om att övervinna alla hinder för att finna kärleken.
Available: http://www.vombatforlag.se/butik/prinsen-och-pojken-2/
written by Isak Fearon
illus. by Roberth Fearon
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2013.
54 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9789186589318
Summary: Det var en gång en prins och en pojke. Prinsen bodde i ett stort slott bland molnen och pojken bodde i en stuga i den stora skogen. En gemensam önskan skulle föra dem samman, önskan om att finna en hjärtevän. Sagan handlar om att finna kärleken mot alla odds och att ha modet att våga vara sig själv. Prinsen och Pojken är en modern och inkluderande tolkning av den klassiska sagan om att övervinna alla hinder för att finna kärleken.
Available: http://www.vombatforlag.se/butik/prinsen-och-pojken-2/
same-sex relationships,
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A dream come true : talking to your child about assisted reproduction
A dream come true : talking to your child about assisted reproduction
Christo Zouves, M.D ; with Linda Attell and Holly Bea
illustrated by Sarah Fox.
Language: English
Daly City, CA. : Zouves Fertility Center, 2004.
27 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 26 cm.
ISBN: 0976473801; 9780976473800
My Annotation: Written by a reproductive endocrinologist, this book aims to explain the basics of human reproduction as well as assisted reproduction when and why there might be a need for it. It introduces children to some very big words like “intracytoplasmic sperm injection” and “sperm chromatin structure assay,” as well as the more common terms found in children’s books on ART, like in vitro fertilization, egg donation, sperm donation, and surrogacy. Unlike other children’s books on ART, this book is narrated by several children who were all conceived in different ways. There is Michael, a twin, conceived via IVF. There is PJ, conceived via egg donation. There is Sophie, brought into the world via surrogacy. And there are Katie and Mei Lin, both conceived via IUI and donor insemination, Katie to a heterosexual couple, and Mei Lin to a lesbian couple. In these vignettes, all the children explain the reasons where and why that particular ART method was used to conceive them, for example, Michael’s mom’s eggs “couldn’t travel through her tubes” and his dad’s sperm “couldn’t swim to the egg” so mom’s eggs and dad’s sperm were put in a petri dish where they could join together to form an embryo. The book includes a glossary though it does not include the term IUI even though it is introduced in the book. The last few pages are devoted to spaces for family photos, the names of the doctors who helped bring them into the world, the names of the helpers, and a picture of the ultrasound, clearly acknowledging all the work that went into bringing them into the world and to “shift their focus from making a family to being a family.” Cartoon drawings resembling children’s drawings depict no nudity. Recommended for children ages 5-8.
Available: http://www.goivf.com
Christo Zouves, M.D ; with Linda Attell and Holly Bea
illustrated by Sarah Fox.
Language: English
Daly City, CA. : Zouves Fertility Center, 2004.
27 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 26 cm.
ISBN: 0976473801; 9780976473800
My Annotation: Written by a reproductive endocrinologist, this book aims to explain the basics of human reproduction as well as assisted reproduction when and why there might be a need for it. It introduces children to some very big words like “intracytoplasmic sperm injection” and “sperm chromatin structure assay,” as well as the more common terms found in children’s books on ART, like in vitro fertilization, egg donation, sperm donation, and surrogacy. Unlike other children’s books on ART, this book is narrated by several children who were all conceived in different ways. There is Michael, a twin, conceived via IVF. There is PJ, conceived via egg donation. There is Sophie, brought into the world via surrogacy. And there are Katie and Mei Lin, both conceived via IUI and donor insemination, Katie to a heterosexual couple, and Mei Lin to a lesbian couple. In these vignettes, all the children explain the reasons where and why that particular ART method was used to conceive them, for example, Michael’s mom’s eggs “couldn’t travel through her tubes” and his dad’s sperm “couldn’t swim to the egg” so mom’s eggs and dad’s sperm were put in a petri dish where they could join together to form an embryo. The book includes a glossary though it does not include the term IUI even though it is introduced in the book. The last few pages are devoted to spaces for family photos, the names of the doctors who helped bring them into the world, the names of the helpers, and a picture of the ultrasound, clearly acknowledging all the work that went into bringing them into the world and to “shift their focus from making a family to being a family.” Cartoon drawings resembling children’s drawings depict no nudity. Recommended for children ages 5-8.
Available: http://www.goivf.com
egg donation,
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
Saturday, November 30, 2013
El niño en los corazones de los madres
El niño en los corazones de los madres
written by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781105634765
Summary: A Spanish language translation of "The Child In the Mother's Hearts, a story of adoption for gay and lesbian couples to read to their children or for anyone to read with their children to help explain adoption and alternative families.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/el-nino-en-los-corazones-de-las-madres/paperback/product-20060860.html
written by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781105634765
Summary: A Spanish language translation of "The Child In the Mother's Hearts, a story of adoption for gay and lesbian couples to read to their children or for anyone to read with their children to help explain adoption and alternative families.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/el-nino-en-los-corazones-de-las-madres/paperback/product-20060860.html
lesbian mothers,
El niño en los corazones de los padres
El niño en los corazones de los padres
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: Spanish
Lulu, 2012.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781105634758
Summary: A Spanish language translation of "The Child In the Father's Hearts, a story of adoption for gay and lesbian couples to read to their children or for anyone to read with their children to help explain adoption and alternative families.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/el-nino-en-los-corazones-de-los-padres/paperback/product-20060865.html
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: Spanish
Lulu, 2012.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781105634758
Summary: A Spanish language translation of "The Child In the Father's Hearts, a story of adoption for gay and lesbian couples to read to their children or for anyone to read with their children to help explain adoption and alternative families.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/el-nino-en-los-corazones-de-los-padres/paperback/product-20060865.html
gay fathers,
The child in the fathers' hearts
The child in the fathers' hearts
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm
ISBN: 9781257937769
Summary: A picture book designed to be read to adopted children of gay parents. The child is adopted by two fathers. The opening comments are about my own philosophy of children, that all children begin in the heart of their parents however they come to be a part of a family.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-fathers-hearts/paperback/product-20060849.html
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm
ISBN: 9781257937769
Summary: A picture book designed to be read to adopted children of gay parents. The child is adopted by two fathers. The opening comments are about my own philosophy of children, that all children begin in the heart of their parents however they come to be a part of a family.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-fathers-hearts/paperback/product-20060849.html
gay fathers,
The child in the mamas' hearts: a story of assisted reproductive technology births for families with two mothers
The child in the mamas' hearts: a story of assisted reproductive technology births for families with two mothers
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2013
20 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781304640314
Summary: A children's picture book to explain Assisted Reproductive Technology in a loving and understandable way for families with two mothers.
My annotation: Two women love each other very much but feel something is missing in their house and in their lives - a child, yet both women feel that there is a child somewhere, it just resides in their hearts. They look everywhere for that child, but cannot find it. Eventually they see a doctor to help them have a child of their own and the doctor calls on others to help. With all the help they receive, one of the women becomes pregnant and they are very happy. When the baby finally arrives, both women know that this was the child that resided in their hearts all along. This is a touching story about the love one can have for a child that does not yet exist. The book does not indicate exactly what the “help” is that the doctor provided - whether it was sperm donation or egg donation or embryo donation or IVF, but one of the women does become pregnant and several people are depicted as doctors who were the helpers. No donors are depicted. This book is a starting off point for lesbian couples to explain to their child that a third party was necessary for them to come into the world. Full color, cartoon-like drawings depict a multi-racial family. Recommended for children ages 3-5.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-mamas-hearts/paperback/product-21310684.html
by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2013
20 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781304640314
Summary: A children's picture book to explain Assisted Reproductive Technology in a loving and understandable way for families with two mothers.
My annotation: Two women love each other very much but feel something is missing in their house and in their lives - a child, yet both women feel that there is a child somewhere, it just resides in their hearts. They look everywhere for that child, but cannot find it. Eventually they see a doctor to help them have a child of their own and the doctor calls on others to help. With all the help they receive, one of the women becomes pregnant and they are very happy. When the baby finally arrives, both women know that this was the child that resided in their hearts all along. This is a touching story about the love one can have for a child that does not yet exist. The book does not indicate exactly what the “help” is that the doctor provided - whether it was sperm donation or egg donation or embryo donation or IVF, but one of the women does become pregnant and several people are depicted as doctors who were the helpers. No donors are depicted. This book is a starting off point for lesbian couples to explain to their child that a third party was necessary for them to come into the world. Full color, cartoon-like drawings depict a multi-racial family. Recommended for children ages 3-5.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-mamas-hearts/paperback/product-21310684.html
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
Child in the Mothers' Hearts
Child in the Mothers' Hearts
written by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781257937745
Summary: The book is a picture book intended to be read to children adopted by lesbian couples. It is the story of the adoption process in its simplest terms: that all children begin in the hearts of their patents.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-mothers-hearts/paperback/product-20060844.html
written by Paul Janson, M.D.
illus. by Kevin Scott Gierman
Language: English
Lulu, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781257937745
Summary: The book is a picture book intended to be read to children adopted by lesbian couples. It is the story of the adoption process in its simplest terms: that all children begin in the hearts of their patents.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paul-janson/the-child-in-the-mothers-hearts/paperback/product-20060844.html
lesbian mothers,
Mis madres e yo : la historia de Regina y Vanesa
Mis madres e yo : la historia de Regina y Vanesa
written by Helena Prado Lopes
illus. by Alessandra Tozi
Language: Spanish
[Santa Cecilia, SP] : Helena Prado Lopes, 2013.
16 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
Summary: Esta es la historia de Vanesa y Regina que, con determinación y mucho amor, construyeron una familia diferente. En este libro, los niños podrán entender como lleagaron al nuestro mundo. Podrán también comprender como el amor entre dos mujeres y la voluntad de algunos hombres de quere ayudar a las mujeres que quieren tener hijo - y no tienen un compañero - ha proporcionado el nacimiento de un niño.
Available directly from the author: helenaprado@globo.com
written by Helena Prado Lopes
illus. by Alessandra Tozi
Language: Spanish
[Santa Cecilia, SP] : Helena Prado Lopes, 2013.
16 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
Summary: Esta es la historia de Vanesa y Regina que, con determinación y mucho amor, construyeron una familia diferente. En este libro, los niños podrán entender como lleagaron al nuestro mundo. Podrán también comprender como el amor entre dos mujeres y la voluntad de algunos hombres de quere ayudar a las mujeres que quieren tener hijo - y no tienen un compañero - ha proporcionado el nacimiento de un niño.
Available directly from the author: helenaprado@globo.com
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation
Minhas mães e eu: a história Regina e Vanessa
Minhas mães e eu: a história Regina e Vanessa
by Helena Prado Lopes
illus. by Alessandra Tozi
Language: Portuguese
[Santa Cecilia, SP] : Helena Prado Lopes, 2013.
16 p. : col. ill. ; 20 x 20 cm.
Summary: Esta é a história de Vanessa e Regina que, com determinação e muits amor, construíram uma familia diferente. Neste livro, as crianças poderão entender como chegaram ao nosso mundo. Poderão, também, compreender como o amor entre duas mulheres e a vontade de alguns homens de querer ajudar as mulheres que querem ter filho - e não têm um companheiro - proporcionou o nascimento de uma criança.
Available directly from the author: helenaprado@globo.com
by Helena Prado Lopes
illus. by Alessandra Tozi
Language: Portuguese
[Santa Cecilia, SP] : Helena Prado Lopes, 2013.
16 p. : col. ill. ; 20 x 20 cm.
Summary: Esta é a história de Vanessa e Regina que, com determinação e muits amor, construíram uma familia diferente. Neste livro, as crianças poderão entender como chegaram ao nosso mundo. Poderão, também, compreender como o amor entre duas mulheres e a vontade de alguns homens de querer ajudar as mulheres que querem ter filho - e não têm um companheiro - proporcionou o nascimento de uma criança.
Available directly from the author: helenaprado@globo.com
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation
Friday, November 29, 2013
Adopting Ahava
Adopting Ahava
written by Jennifer Byrne
illus. by Oana Vaida
Language: English
Sicklerville, N.J. : Dodi Press, 2013.
40 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9780985106737
Summary: Jonathan didn't think anything could beat the excitement of being adopted by his two Jewish mamas, but his eighth birthday comes close. His mamas take him to a dog shelter to adopt a puppy of his own! After looking at all the cute, squirming tail-waggers, Jonathan shows readers that all kinds of people - and pets - create happy, loving families.
Available: http://myfamilyproducts.net/en/picture-books/74-adopting-ahava.html
written by Jennifer Byrne
illus. by Oana Vaida
Language: English
Sicklerville, N.J. : Dodi Press, 2013.
40 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9780985106737
Summary: Jonathan didn't think anything could beat the excitement of being adopted by his two Jewish mamas, but his eighth birthday comes close. His mamas take him to a dog shelter to adopt a puppy of his own! After looking at all the cute, squirming tail-waggers, Jonathan shows readers that all kinds of people - and pets - create happy, loving families.
Available: http://myfamilyproducts.net/en/picture-books/74-adopting-ahava.html
When Leonard lost his spots : a trans parent tail
When Leonard lost his spots : a trans parent tail
by Monique Costa
illus. by Marina Shupik
Language: English
Sicklerville, NJ : Dodi Press, 2012.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 23 x 23 cm.
ISBN: 9780985106713 0985106719
Summary: What happens when a beautiful lioness discovers she was born into the body of a male leopard? The family is shocked, the transition begins, and an amazing story unfolds. Narrated by a young cub, 'When Leonard lost his spots' is a sensitively crafted story that exemplifies how open communication can pave the way to adceptance in an ever-changing world. Join Leonard, Leona and Cub on this unique journey.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/When-Leonard-Lost-His-Spots/dp/0985106719
illus. by Marina Shupik
Language: English
Sicklerville, NJ : Dodi Press, 2012.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 23 x 23 cm.
ISBN: 9780985106713 0985106719
Summary: What happens when a beautiful lioness discovers she was born into the body of a male leopard? The family is shocked, the transition begins, and an amazing story unfolds. Narrated by a young cub, 'When Leonard lost his spots' is a sensitively crafted story that exemplifies how open communication can pave the way to adceptance in an ever-changing world. Join Leonard, Leona and Cub on this unique journey.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/When-Leonard-Lost-His-Spots/dp/0985106719
transgender people,
Stella brings the family : a tale of two dads on Mother's Day
Stella brings the family : a tale of two dads on Mother's Day
by Miriam B. Schiffer
illus. by Holly Clifton-Brown
Language: English
San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, [2015].
p. cm.
ISBN: 9781452111902 ; 1452111901
Summary: Stella brings her two fathers to school to celebrate Mother's Day.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Stella-Brings-Family-Miriam-Schiffer/dp/1452111901
by Miriam B. Schiffer
illus. by Holly Clifton-Brown
Language: English
San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, [2015].
p. cm.
ISBN: 9781452111902 ; 1452111901
Summary: Stella brings her two fathers to school to celebrate Mother's Day.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Stella-Brings-Family-Miriam-Schiffer/dp/1452111901
gay fathers,
Gay l-u-v
Gay l-u-v
by Donna Frantz
illus. by Gabriel Evans
Language: English
Nannup, W.A. : MBS Press (Mind Body Spirit), 2013.
p. cm
ISBN: 9781921883385; 1921883383
Summary: The last time Gil played Truth or Dare with his friends, Gil was dared to eat something gross - a strawberry covered with mustard. In Silly Gilly Gil-Gay L-U-V, Jamal draws a truth card in which he has to share something about himself that his friends do not know. That's how Gil, Poncho, and Grace find out Jamal’s parents are two moms, instead of a mom and a dad. While Gil is not old enough to understand grown up relationships, he can easily accept that loving families do not always look the same.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Silly-Gilly-Gil-Gay-L-U-V/dp/1921883383/
Available: http://www.mbspress.com/silly-gilly-gil-series-gay-l-u-v/
by Donna Frantz
illus. by Gabriel Evans
Language: English
Nannup, W.A. : MBS Press (Mind Body Spirit), 2013.
p. cm
ISBN: 9781921883385; 1921883383
Summary: The last time Gil played Truth or Dare with his friends, Gil was dared to eat something gross - a strawberry covered with mustard. In Silly Gilly Gil-Gay L-U-V, Jamal draws a truth card in which he has to share something about himself that his friends do not know. That's how Gil, Poncho, and Grace find out Jamal’s parents are two moms, instead of a mom and a dad. While Gil is not old enough to understand grown up relationships, he can easily accept that loving families do not always look the same.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Silly-Gilly-Gil-Gay-L-U-V/dp/1921883383/
Available: http://www.mbspress.com/silly-gilly-gil-series-gay-l-u-v/
lesbian mothers
My two uncles & me
My two uncles & me
written by Jeff Rivera
illus. by Tariq Saeed
Language: English
Jeff Rivera, 2013.
Summary: Having two uncles is so much fun and two uncles are definitely better than one! Together, they’ll teach you all about studying, baking and football. My Two Uncles will take you on a journey of twice the compassion, twice the understanding and twice the love.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZZ5SY8/ref=oh_d__o02_details_o02__i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
written by Jeff Rivera
illus. by Tariq Saeed
Language: English
Jeff Rivera, 2013.
Summary: Having two uncles is so much fun and two uncles are definitely better than one! Together, they’ll teach you all about studying, baking and football. My Two Uncles will take you on a journey of twice the compassion, twice the understanding and twice the love.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZZ5SY8/ref=oh_d__o02_details_o02__i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Some people have two dads
Some people have two dads
by Luca Panzini and Fabri Kramer
illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
36 p. : col. ill.; 16 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 1478383658; 9781478383659
Summary: Our society is changing. An increasing number of gay couples are having children through adoption and surrogacy. At some point you should explain to your child about same-gender parents. I have written this book as an educational tool to help people understand that families come in a variety of different combinations. If you can, please buy two books - one for your child and one to give away as a present or donation to a school or library - so that, together, we can educate parents, children and the community and make the world a better place.
Available: http://www.somefamilies.net/
by Luca Panzini and Fabri Kramer
illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
36 p. : col. ill.; 16 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 1478383658; 9781478383659
Summary: Our society is changing. An increasing number of gay couples are having children through adoption and surrogacy. At some point you should explain to your child about same-gender parents. I have written this book as an educational tool to help people understand that families come in a variety of different combinations. If you can, please buy two books - one for your child and one to give away as a present or donation to a school or library - so that, together, we can educate parents, children and the community and make the world a better place.
Available: http://www.somefamilies.net/
gay fathers,
Some people have two mums
Some people have two mums
by Fabri Kramer and Luca Panzini
illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013
36 p. : col. ill. ; 16 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 1484097122; 9781484097120
Summary: This second book from the Some Families series is about Milo, a happy little boy with two mums. We follow him through his bedtime routine and learn how his mothers were helped by a donor to bring Milo into their lives. An increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples are having children through surrogacy, co-parenting, donor and adoption. The Some Families books have been written to show that families come in many different combinations. Every child deserves a book that reflects their lives. Some people have two Mums also aims to help children from all backgrounds understand more about families with same-gender parents.
My annotation: Milo is a “much loved” little boy who loves to battle giant octopuses at bathtime and imagine being the hero in a land filled with dragons and pirates at bedtime. His other favorite thing is to hear his favorite bedtime story, the one about how he was born. It all began when his two mums met and fell in love and wanted to start a family of their own. They explain however that two mums cannot have babies on their own so they had to visit a doctor and were introduced to a “very nice man” who wanted to help them. Although the term “sperm donor” is not used, children are introduced to the concept that a third party was involved in their conception. The book uses Britishisms like “mummy” and “cheeky” but assuming that it is a parent reading the story to their child, this can easily be changed to “mommy” when reading aloud. The book also introduces the concept that children can grow up in all sorts of families and that not all little boys have two mothers. Well-drawn color illustrations depict a very happy and content little boy and two parents who absolutely adore him. It is recommended for children ages 3-5.
Available: http://www.somefamilies.net/some-people-have-two-mums/
by Fabri Kramer and Luca Panzini
illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013
36 p. : col. ill. ; 16 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 1484097122; 9781484097120
Summary: This second book from the Some Families series is about Milo, a happy little boy with two mums. We follow him through his bedtime routine and learn how his mothers were helped by a donor to bring Milo into their lives. An increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples are having children through surrogacy, co-parenting, donor and adoption. The Some Families books have been written to show that families come in many different combinations. Every child deserves a book that reflects their lives. Some people have two Mums also aims to help children from all backgrounds understand more about families with same-gender parents.
My annotation: Milo is a “much loved” little boy who loves to battle giant octopuses at bathtime and imagine being the hero in a land filled with dragons and pirates at bedtime. His other favorite thing is to hear his favorite bedtime story, the one about how he was born. It all began when his two mums met and fell in love and wanted to start a family of their own. They explain however that two mums cannot have babies on their own so they had to visit a doctor and were introduced to a “very nice man” who wanted to help them. Although the term “sperm donor” is not used, children are introduced to the concept that a third party was involved in their conception. The book uses Britishisms like “mummy” and “cheeky” but assuming that it is a parent reading the story to their child, this can easily be changed to “mommy” when reading aloud. The book also introduces the concept that children can grow up in all sorts of families and that not all little boys have two mothers. Well-drawn color illustrations depict a very happy and content little boy and two parents who absolutely adore him. It is recommended for children ages 3-5.
Available: http://www.somefamilies.net/some-people-have-two-mums/
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
The Lost Treasures For the Orphans
The Lost Treasures For the Orphans
written by by Carol Blazer
illus. by Tyler Hollis
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
30 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1470019027; 9781470019020
Summary: This adventure is about Mason, his two dads and his grandma. The story begins with a young boy realizing how much he has. Through a reporter the family learns about a local orphanage. These children neither have parents, grandparents, toys or clothing of their own. Mason has an idea !!!!!! He wants to share what he has with the orphans. Through this experience he learns the gift of giving. In the end Mason enjoys meeting and playing with his new friends. This great idea has made him and his family so proud.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3788828
written by by Carol Blazer
illus. by Tyler Hollis
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
30 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1470019027; 9781470019020
Summary: This adventure is about Mason, his two dads and his grandma. The story begins with a young boy realizing how much he has. Through a reporter the family learns about a local orphanage. These children neither have parents, grandparents, toys or clothing of their own. Mason has an idea !!!!!! He wants to share what he has with the orphans. Through this experience he learns the gift of giving. In the end Mason enjoys meeting and playing with his new friends. This great idea has made him and his family so proud.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3788828
gay fathers,
Making my family
Making my family
written by by Naomi Stern
illus. by Dan Stern
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1479261920; 9781479261925
Summary: A much awaited read-it-to-me book about a child adopted by two Dads. What makes a family? Lots of love, no matter what the mix!
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3978816
written by by Naomi Stern
illus. by Dan Stern
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1479261920; 9781479261925
Summary: A much awaited read-it-to-me book about a child adopted by two Dads. What makes a family? Lots of love, no matter what the mix!
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3978816
gay fathers,
I am special
I am special
written and illustrated by Rachel S. Huey
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1480127922; 9781480127920
Summary: "I Am Special" shows your child how special they are to have two dads.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4029959
written and illustrated by Rachel S. Huey
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1480127922; 9781480127920
Summary: "I Am Special" shows your child how special they are to have two dads.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4029959
gay fathers,
Goodnight for family
Goodnight for family
written and illus. by David F. Escobedo
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1481247158; 9781481247153
Summary: I wrote these bedtime stories to two people. My uncle who passed away in November 2012, of ocular cancer. His creativity was intense and addictive. He taught me that artists are compulsive and create like an addiction. The second person is my little niece. She was adopted by my brother and his husband. She is a little gob of joy. Between the two I stop becoming a nephew and start becoming an uncle.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4096098
written and illus. by David F. Escobedo
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1481247158; 9781481247153
Summary: I wrote these bedtime stories to two people. My uncle who passed away in November 2012, of ocular cancer. His creativity was intense and addictive. He taught me that artists are compulsive and create like an addiction. The second person is my little niece. She was adopted by my brother and his husband. She is a little gob of joy. Between the two I stop becoming a nephew and start becoming an uncle.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4096098
gay fathers,
My Papa and My Dad
My Papa and My Dad
written and illus. by David Escobedo
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1484152700; 9781484152706
Summary: An adopted daughter muses on her origins and her relationship with her gay dads.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4250720
written and illus. by David Escobedo
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1484152700; 9781484152706
Summary: An adopted daughter muses on her origins and her relationship with her gay dads.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4250720
gay fathers,
Cubby and the Bears - Free as the Wind!
Cubby and the Bears - Free as the Wind!
written by Hal Lanse
illustrated by Pamela Catapano
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
46 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149422903X; 9781494229030
Summary: Cubby never has to be afraid when his two dads are around. On a summer trip, Papa Bear and Daddy Bear help Cubby face one of his biggest fears. With loving guidance and two pairs of big arms to wrap him up and protect him, a frightening experience turns into a happy adventure for Cubby.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4534876
written by Hal Lanse
illustrated by Pamela Catapano
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
46 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149422903X; 9781494229030
Summary: Cubby never has to be afraid when his two dads are around. On a summer trip, Papa Bear and Daddy Bear help Cubby face one of his biggest fears. With loving guidance and two pairs of big arms to wrap him up and protect him, a frightening experience turns into a happy adventure for Cubby.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4534876
gay fathers,
Your Daddies Love You!
Your Daddies Love You!
written and illus. by P. Pennington
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1478164034; 9781478164036
Summary: Using simple rhymes and colorful illustrations, babies and toddlers aren't the only ones who will enjoy this Read Together book! With emphasis placed on the nouns, your child can make the valuable connection between the word and the animal.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3924514
written and illus. by P. Pennington
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1478164034; 9781478164036
Summary: Using simple rhymes and colorful illustrations, babies and toddlers aren't the only ones who will enjoy this Read Together book! With emphasis placed on the nouns, your child can make the valuable connection between the word and the animal.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3924514
gay fathers,
Families Are Like Ice Cream Flavors
Families Are Like Ice Cream Flavors
written and illus. by Erin L. George
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1481985590; 9781481985598
Summary: Families Are Like Ice Cream Flavors is a children's book about the different ways families come. Ice cream flavors taste different but all taste great. Tommy has two dads. Billy has two moms. In the end, all families share one thing in common - love! This book is perfect for small children in non traditional families or to help encourage children to be open minded about modern family arrangements.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4132800
written and illus. by Erin L. George
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1481985590; 9781481985598
Summary: Families Are Like Ice Cream Flavors is a children's book about the different ways families come. Ice cream flavors taste different but all taste great. Tommy has two dads. Billy has two moms. In the end, all families share one thing in common - love! This book is perfect for small children in non traditional families or to help encourage children to be open minded about modern family arrangements.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4132800
gay fathers,
Queen Scruffy Krissie
Queen Scruffy Krissie
written and illus. by Anne Logvinoff Mouilleron
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
32 p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm.
ISBN: 1480054275; 9781480054271
Summary: Girlish dream is usually to become a princess. "Scruffy" Krissie wishes to become a prince, and fight dragons. Those dragons, we generally have to fight, are named Intolerance and Narrowmind.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4018053
written and illus. by Anne Logvinoff Mouilleron
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2013.
32 p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm.
ISBN: 1480054275; 9781480054271
Summary: Girlish dream is usually to become a princess. "Scruffy" Krissie wishes to become a prince, and fight dragons. Those dragons, we generally have to fight, are named Intolerance and Narrowmind.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4018053
gender nonconformity,
by Liz Wennberg
illus. by Andrea Femerstrand
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2010.
82 s. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9789186589035; 9186589032
Summary: Cornelia och hennes pappor har flyttat ända ifrån London. När de kommer till hennes nya klass för att presentera sig sprider sig oron. Cornelias pappor är PUNKARE. Men vad är en punkare? Cornelias klasskamrater Martin, Vera och Siv blir jättenyfikna. En förälder säger att punkare sover på dagarna och lever om på nätterna. Vera och hennes vänner måste helt enkelt ta reda på hur det ligger till, men inget är som det ser ut... Det är mycket häftigare.
by Liz Wennberg
illus. by Andrea Femerstrand
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2010.
82 s. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9789186589035; 9186589032
Summary: Cornelia och hennes pappor har flyttat ända ifrån London. När de kommer till hennes nya klass för att presentera sig sprider sig oron. Cornelias pappor är PUNKARE. Men vad är en punkare? Cornelias klasskamrater Martin, Vera och Siv blir jättenyfikna. En förälder säger att punkare sover på dagarna och lever om på nätterna. Vera och hennes vänner måste helt enkelt ta reda på hur det ligger till, men inget är som det ser ut... Det är mycket häftigare.
gay fathers,
Vem kan älska Ella?
Vem kan älska Ella?
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2009.
38 s. : ill. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668149; 9197668141
Summary: Elvira är gammal och bor på gatorna. När hon hittar babyn Ella i en korg med skylten ”Vem kan älska Ella?” bestämmer hon sig för att ta hand om henne. Men när Ella är sex år gammal orkar inte längre Elviras kropp att leva. Ella måste hitta en ny familj, någon ny som kan älska henne. Så en dag hittar hon Anton och Adam. De verkar så lyckliga. Ella flyttar i hemlighet in i deras stora klädkammare, tills en dag…
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2009.
38 s. : ill. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668149; 9197668141
Summary: Elvira är gammal och bor på gatorna. När hon hittar babyn Ella i en korg med skylten ”Vem kan älska Ella?” bestämmer hon sig för att ta hand om henne. Men när Ella är sex år gammal orkar inte längre Elviras kropp att leva. Ella måste hitta en ny familj, någon ny som kan älska henne. Så en dag hittar hon Anton och Adam. De verkar så lyckliga. Ella flyttar i hemlighet in i deras stora klädkammare, tills en dag…
gay fathers,
Prinsessan Kristalla
Prinsessan Kristalla
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2008.
44 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789163330070; 9163330075
Summary: När prinsessan Kristalla vägrar gifta sig spärras hon in i ett högt torn för att välja en av alla prinsarna. Men Kristalla rymmer och träffar sin stora kärlek. Nu måste hon övertyga kungen och drottningen om att få gifta sig med svärdsmidaren Vilda, en flicka från folket som inte är av kungligt blod...
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2008.
44 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789163330070; 9163330075
Summary: När prinsessan Kristalla vägrar gifta sig spärras hon in i ett högt torn för att välja en av alla prinsarna. Men Kristalla rymmer och träffar sin stora kärlek. Nu måste hon övertyga kungen och drottningen om att få gifta sig med svärdsmidaren Vilda, en flicka från folket som inte är av kungligt blod...
gender nonconformity,
אבא ואבא
אבא ואבא = Daddy and daddy
Aba ṿe-aba = Daddy and Daddy
by ראובני-הורוביץ, רויע. Roy Reuveny Horowitz; Sigal Mashal
Language: Hebrew
אוריון, Ḥolon : Oriyon, 2013.
[22] pages : colored illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm.
More about the book: http://www.mako.co.il/pride-culture/cultura/Article-46616c5bb7dbf31006.htm
Available: http://www.orion-books.co.il/pd272_%D7%90%D7%91%D7%90-%D7%95%D7%90%D7%91%D7%90.aspx
Aba ṿe-aba = Daddy and Daddy
by ראובני-הורוביץ, רויע. Roy Reuveny Horowitz; Sigal Mashal
Language: Hebrew
אוריון, Ḥolon : Oriyon, 2013.
[22] pages : colored illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm.
More about the book: http://www.mako.co.il/pride-culture/cultura/Article-46616c5bb7dbf31006.htm
Available: http://www.orion-books.co.il/pd272_%D7%90%D7%91%D7%90-%D7%95%D7%90%D7%91%D7%90.aspx
gay fathers,
by Eddie Summanen
illus. by C. Kåberg
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2008
[32] s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 9789197687034; 9197687030
Summary: Var kommer bebisar ifrån? Hur vet man vilka som är ens familj? Och hur blev jag själv till? Familjer kan se ut nästan hur som helst och barn kan bli till på många olika sätt. Familjeboken handlar om alla former av familjebildningar och vidgar begreppet familj. Boken tar bland annat upp hur ett barn blir till, insemination, sex, adoption, konstgjord befruktning samt heterosexuella, homosexuella och ensamstående föräldrar. En bok att läsa tillsammans med barn eller att låta lite större barn läsa själv. Boken öppnar upp för samtal och reflektion tillsammans med barn kring temat familj.
My annotation: The Family Book is about the many ways that families can look and some of the many ways that babies can come into the world. It discusses both heterosexual and homosexual families as well as families with grandparents, single moms or dads, and even families with pets and no children. The book first discusses how sperm and egg are required to “mix” together to make a baby. It does not matter how the sperm and egg are mixed the book tells us, whether through sex or in a laboratory, and introduces children to the terms in vitro fertilization and insemination. The book also introduces children to the idea that “if two women who have eggs have sex with each other or if two men who have sperm have sex with each other there will be no babies,” in which case single women and lesbians can go to the hospital to get some sperm in order to help them get pregnant. Although the book aims to cover all bases, egg donation, surrogacy, and embryo donation are not discussed. The book takes both a child-conception and a family-building approach and employs the “families are made differently” script. Recommended for children ages 5-8 and available only in Swedish.
Available: http://www.vombatforlag.se/butik/testboken/
by Eddie Summanen
illus. by C. Kåberg
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2008
[32] s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 9789197687034; 9197687030
Summary: Var kommer bebisar ifrån? Hur vet man vilka som är ens familj? Och hur blev jag själv till? Familjer kan se ut nästan hur som helst och barn kan bli till på många olika sätt. Familjeboken handlar om alla former av familjebildningar och vidgar begreppet familj. Boken tar bland annat upp hur ett barn blir till, insemination, sex, adoption, konstgjord befruktning samt heterosexuella, homosexuella och ensamstående föräldrar. En bok att läsa tillsammans med barn eller att låta lite större barn läsa själv. Boken öppnar upp för samtal och reflektion tillsammans med barn kring temat familj.
My annotation: The Family Book is about the many ways that families can look and some of the many ways that babies can come into the world. It discusses both heterosexual and homosexual families as well as families with grandparents, single moms or dads, and even families with pets and no children. The book first discusses how sperm and egg are required to “mix” together to make a baby. It does not matter how the sperm and egg are mixed the book tells us, whether through sex or in a laboratory, and introduces children to the terms in vitro fertilization and insemination. The book also introduces children to the idea that “if two women who have eggs have sex with each other or if two men who have sperm have sex with each other there will be no babies,” in which case single women and lesbians can go to the hospital to get some sperm in order to help them get pregnant. Although the book aims to cover all bases, egg donation, surrogacy, and embryo donation are not discussed. The book takes both a child-conception and a family-building approach and employs the “families are made differently” script. Recommended for children ages 5-8 and available only in Swedish.
Available: http://www.vombatforlag.se/butik/testboken/
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
Malins mamma gifter sig med Lisa
Malins mamma gifter sig med Lisa
by Annette Lundborg
illus. by Mimmi Tollerup-Grkovic
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Eriksson & Lindgren, 1999.
[26] s. : färgill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9187805596; 9789187805592
Summary: Denna bok är en utpräglad HBT-bok där författaren poängterar att ”Malins mamma ska gifta sig med Lisa. Malins mamma, Siv, älskar Lisa och Lisa älskar Siv”. Boken handlar om regnbågsfamiljeliv där Lisa och Siv respektive Malins pappa och Niklas delar barn med varandra. Att ett homosexuellt par delar barn med ett annat homosexuellt par är ett vanligt sätt för hbt-par att kunna få barn och boken visar den stora tryggheten som det innebär för Malin och hennes kommande syskon att ha fyra föräldrar att vända sig till. Föräldrarna framställs som helt vanliga människor utan onödiga klyschor som kort hår och manhaftighet respektive fjollighet och intresse för utseendet. I boken beskrivs även hur barn blir till genom att små frön som simmar in i magen och träffar ägget. Malins mamma berättar att hon fick en hel burk med frön av Malins pappa.
My annotation: Many exciting things are happening in five-year-old Malin’s life this year. Her mother Siv and her partner Lisa, have just gotten married, and Lisa is now pregnant with her own child and Malin is excited about soon becoming a big sister! As Lisa’s belly grows, Malin becomes curious and one day asks her mother where babies come from and her mom explains that they come from the seeds of a man and the egg of a woman. Malin does not need to know whose seeds she came from though. She already knows her father, most likely from birth, and loves him dearly. Her father’s partner, Niklas, has now donated his seeds to Lisa, Malin’s other mother, as they too wish to become parents. Malin’s unnamed father and his partner do many things with Malin’s family. Both men attended Siv and Lisa’s wedding and party, and they also vacation together. And now Niklas has donated his sperm to Lisa so that she too can become a mother and he a father. This book is not expressly about donor conception, but it is a fact that the main character of the book was conceived via sperm donation. Both mothers participated in Malin’s conception as Lisa helped put the seeds into Siv’s “stomach,” it is explained. This book employs the helper script and takes a family-building approach as clearly Malin has a unique family situation. Recommended for children ages 3-5 and available only in Swedish, though it is currently out of print.
by Annette Lundborg
illus. by Mimmi Tollerup-Grkovic
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Eriksson & Lindgren, 1999.
[26] s. : färgill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9187805596; 9789187805592
Summary: Denna bok är en utpräglad HBT-bok där författaren poängterar att ”Malins mamma ska gifta sig med Lisa. Malins mamma, Siv, älskar Lisa och Lisa älskar Siv”. Boken handlar om regnbågsfamiljeliv där Lisa och Siv respektive Malins pappa och Niklas delar barn med varandra. Att ett homosexuellt par delar barn med ett annat homosexuellt par är ett vanligt sätt för hbt-par att kunna få barn och boken visar den stora tryggheten som det innebär för Malin och hennes kommande syskon att ha fyra föräldrar att vända sig till. Föräldrarna framställs som helt vanliga människor utan onödiga klyschor som kort hår och manhaftighet respektive fjollighet och intresse för utseendet. I boken beskrivs även hur barn blir till genom att små frön som simmar in i magen och träffar ägget. Malins mamma berättar att hon fick en hel burk med frön av Malins pappa.
My annotation: Many exciting things are happening in five-year-old Malin’s life this year. Her mother Siv and her partner Lisa, have just gotten married, and Lisa is now pregnant with her own child and Malin is excited about soon becoming a big sister! As Lisa’s belly grows, Malin becomes curious and one day asks her mother where babies come from and her mom explains that they come from the seeds of a man and the egg of a woman. Malin does not need to know whose seeds she came from though. She already knows her father, most likely from birth, and loves him dearly. Her father’s partner, Niklas, has now donated his seeds to Lisa, Malin’s other mother, as they too wish to become parents. Malin’s unnamed father and his partner do many things with Malin’s family. Both men attended Siv and Lisa’s wedding and party, and they also vacation together. And now Niklas has donated his sperm to Lisa so that she too can become a mother and he a father. This book is not expressly about donor conception, but it is a fact that the main character of the book was conceived via sperm donation. Both mothers participated in Malin’s conception as Lisa helped put the seeds into Siv’s “stomach,” it is explained. This book employs the helper script and takes a family-building approach as clearly Malin has a unique family situation. Recommended for children ages 3-5 and available only in Swedish, though it is currently out of print.
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
Trollen på Regnbågsbacken : [en familjesaga]
Trollen på Regnbågsbacken : [en familjesaga]
by Bodil Sjöström
illus. by Åsa Öhrn
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Atlas, cop. 1999.
[38] s. : färgill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9189044576; 9789189044579
Summary: Trollen lever en bit från en by och alla är rädda för dem. Men så kommer några bara dit och ser att trollen inte alls är farliga, bara annorlunda. Läderbögen som älskar att baka är bara en av de karaktärer som man lär känna i den här bilderboken.
by Bodil Sjöström
illus. by Åsa Öhrn
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Atlas, cop. 1999.
[38] s. : färgill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9189044576; 9789189044579
Summary: Trollen lever en bit från en by och alla är rädda för dem. Men så kommer några bara dit och ser att trollen inte alls är farliga, bara annorlunda. Läderbögen som älskar att baka är bara en av de karaktärer som man lär känna i den här bilderboken.
gender nonconformity,
Kim och Skrutten
Kim och Skrutten
by Karin Frimodig and Sara Berg
illus. by Matilda Ruta
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2009.
[44] s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 9789197687065; 9197687065
Summary: Att få ett syskon är en stor händelse i en liten människas liv. I boken Kim och Skrutten sätter författaren ord på alla de känslor som kan infinna sig hos ett barn som väntar på något som kan vara svårt att föreställa sig, något som väcker förväntningar och många frågor. Kim, som är huvudpersonen, ställer dessa frågor till sina mammor och sin pappa. Kim och Skrutten handlar om familjens vardag där små och stora känslor har sitt naturliga härbärge, en bok för vem som helst att känna igen sig i. Denna bok passar så väl för högläsning som för barnet att läsa själv.
by Karin Frimodig and Sara Berg
illus. by Matilda Ruta
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Vombat, 2009.
[44] s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 9789197687065; 9197687065
Summary: Att få ett syskon är en stor händelse i en liten människas liv. I boken Kim och Skrutten sätter författaren ord på alla de känslor som kan infinna sig hos ett barn som väntar på något som kan vara svårt att föreställa sig, något som väcker förväntningar och många frågor. Kim, som är huvudpersonen, ställer dessa frågor till sina mammor och sin pappa. Kim och Skrutten handlar om familjens vardag där små och stora känslor har sitt naturliga härbärge, en bok för vem som helst att känna igen sig i. Denna bok passar så väl för högläsning som för barnet att läsa själv.
Kalle som lucia
Kalle som lucia
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2009.
29 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668163; 9197668168
Summary: Kalle som lucia är uppföljaren till Kalle med klänning. Kalle vill också vara magisk och strålande vacker. Han vill skrida fram med ljus i håret som lucia. Läsa sin alldeles egen skrivna dikt. Därför blir han så glad när han blir framröstad av kompisarna i förskoleklassen. Och ledsen när läraren och rektorn säger ifrån. De säger att det är tradition att det alltid är en flicka som är lucia. Men Kalle vill inte vara någon stjärngosse med strut! I smyg gör han sig en plan...
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2009.
29 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668163; 9197668168
Summary: Kalle som lucia är uppföljaren till Kalle med klänning. Kalle vill också vara magisk och strålande vacker. Han vill skrida fram med ljus i håret som lucia. Läsa sin alldeles egen skrivna dikt. Därför blir han så glad när han blir framröstad av kompisarna i förskoleklassen. Och ledsen när läraren och rektorn säger ifrån. De säger att det är tradition att det alltid är en flicka som är lucia. Men Kalle vill inte vara någon stjärngosse med strut! I smyg gör han sig en plan...
gender nonconformity,
Kalle med klänning
Kalle med klänning
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2008.
39 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668101; 9197668109
Summary: När Kalle har sommarlov får han sin kusins gamla klänning med silverprickar. Kalle älskar klänningen, den är mycket svalare och skönare än hans skjorta och byxor. Och när han börjar skolan efter sommaren så vägrar han ta den av sig. hans lärare klagar och hans kompisar skrattar - tills den dag han gör mål efter mål på fotbollsmatcherna. Kalle har en äkta målgörarklänning. Och nu vill alla andra också ha en...
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2008.
39 s. : ill. ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9789197668101; 9197668109
Summary: När Kalle har sommarlov får han sin kusins gamla klänning med silverprickar. Kalle älskar klänningen, den är mycket svalare och skönare än hans skjorta och byxor. Och när han börjar skolan efter sommaren så vägrar han ta den av sig. hans lärare klagar och hans kompisar skrattar - tills den dag han gör mål efter mål på fotbollsmatcherna. Kalle har en äkta målgörarklänning. Och nu vill alla andra också ha en...
gender nonconformity,
Else Marie och småpapporna
Else Marie och småpapporna
written and illus. by Pija Lindenbaum
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen, 2007.
[32] s. : färgill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9789163848346; 9163848341
Summary: En underfundig bilderbok om en ovanlig familj. Den handlar om en alldeles vanlig flicka med sju, ovanligt små, likadana pappor.
written and illus. by Pija Lindenbaum
Language: Swedish
Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen, 2007.
[32] s. : färgill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9789163848346; 9163848341
Summary: En underfundig bilderbok om en ovanlig familj. Den handlar om en alldeles vanlig flicka med sju, ovanligt små, likadana pappor.
gay fathers,
Junior börjar förskolan
Junior börjar förskolan
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2010.
[27] s. : ill. ; 30 cm + 1 CD.
ISBN: 9789197892711; 9197892718
Summary: Junior har längtat i många många dar. Få börja på förskolan som alla andra barn. Hon har fått en plats på Afrikas savann och springer så fort hon bara kan. Men vad kommer hända när de ser vad hon är? Kommer barnen på förskolan vilja ha henne där?
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
Uppsala : Sagolikt, 2010.
[27] s. : ill. ; 30 cm + 1 CD.
ISBN: 9789197892711; 9197892718
Summary: Junior har längtat i många många dar. Få börja på förskolan som alla andra barn. Hon har fått en plats på Afrikas savann och springer så fort hon bara kan. Men vad kommer hända när de ser vad hon är? Kommer barnen på förskolan vilja ha henne där?
Jösta och Johan
Jösta och Johan
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
[S.l.] : Sagolikt, 2010.
[28] sider : alle ill. i farver, 1 cd.
ISBN: 9789197892704; 919789270X
Summary: Girafferna Jösta och Johan vill ha ett litet barn, fast de är av samma sort, likadan och likadan. De ger sig ut på savannen för att hitta ett barn och bli en familj. Men blir det som de tänkt sig, blir det som de vill...
by Anette Skåhlberg
illus. by Katarina Dahlquist
Language: Swedish
[S.l.] : Sagolikt, 2010.
[28] sider : alle ill. i farver, 1 cd.
ISBN: 9789197892704; 919789270X
Summary: Girafferna Jösta och Johan vill ha ett litet barn, fast de är av samma sort, likadan och likadan. De ger sig ut på savannen för att hitta ett barn och bli en familj. Men blir det som de tänkt sig, blir det som de vill...
gay fathers,
Saturday, July 6, 2013
It's a George thing!
It's a George thing!
by David Bedford
illus. by Russell Julian
Language: English
London : Egmont, 2008.
[23] p., : chiefly col. ill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9781405228046 ; 1405228040 ; 1405228059 ; 9781405228053
Summary: George spends most of his time with his friends Peachy (a gorilla) and Moon (a lion). Peachy and Moon are very boysy boys given to body-building and weight-lifting. Neither of these are George's thing - but what is? One day, walking home, he hears some music coming from Priscilla the giraffe's river-boat. George's reaction is instinctive. George was born to dance!
Available: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=9916077919&searchurl=bsi%3D0%26ds%3D30%26isbn%3D9781405228046
by David Bedford
illus. by Russell Julian
Language: English
London : Egmont, 2008.
[23] p., : chiefly col. ill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9781405228046 ; 1405228040 ; 1405228059 ; 9781405228053
Summary: George spends most of his time with his friends Peachy (a gorilla) and Moon (a lion). Peachy and Moon are very boysy boys given to body-building and weight-lifting. Neither of these are George's thing - but what is? One day, walking home, he hears some music coming from Priscilla the giraffe's river-boat. George's reaction is instinctive. George was born to dance!
Available: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=9916077919&searchurl=bsi%3D0%26ds%3D30%26isbn%3D9781405228046
gender nonconformity,
Boys don't knit!
Boys don't knit!
by Janice Schoop
illus. by Laura Beingessner
Language: English
Toronto, Ont., Canada : Women's Press, ©1986.
[22] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 0889611076 ; 9780889611078
Summary: When Marvin has to fix his red sweater he learns that boys do knit after all. A picture book ideal for children 3 to 8. Includes instructions for knitting a scarf.
Available: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=8459526298&searchurl=bsi%3D0%26ds%3D30%26isbn%3D9780889611078
by Janice Schoop
illus. by Laura Beingessner
Language: English
Toronto, Ont., Canada : Women's Press, ©1986.
[22] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 0889611076 ; 9780889611078
Summary: When Marvin has to fix his red sweater he learns that boys do knit after all. A picture book ideal for children 3 to 8. Includes instructions for knitting a scarf.
Available: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=8459526298&searchurl=bsi%3D0%26ds%3D30%26isbn%3D9780889611078
gender nonconformity
A girl named Dan
A girl named Dan
by Dandi Daley Mackall; Sleeping Bear Press
illus. by Renee Graef
Language: English
Chelsea, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, ©2008.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781585363513 ; 1585363510
Summary: Dandi enjoys nothing more than baseball, and so after the boys at school tell her their lunchtime game is now boys only, she enters an essay contest hoping to become a bat boy for the Kansas City A's, not realizing the contest is for boys only. Includes author's note on Title IX.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Girl-Named-Dan-Picture-Books/dp/1585363510/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373109902&sr=8-1&keywords=9781585363513
by Dandi Daley Mackall; Sleeping Bear Press
illus. by Renee Graef
Language: English
Chelsea, MI : Sleeping Bear Press, ©2008.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781585363513 ; 1585363510
Summary: Dandi enjoys nothing more than baseball, and so after the boys at school tell her their lunchtime game is now boys only, she enters an essay contest hoping to become a bat boy for the Kansas City A's, not realizing the contest is for boys only. Includes author's note on Title IX.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Girl-Named-Dan-Picture-Books/dp/1585363510/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373109902&sr=8-1&keywords=9781585363513
gender nonconformity,
So that's where I came from

by Gina Dawson
illus. by Beth Norling
Language: English
Fitzroy, Vic. : Black Dog Books, 2010.
1 v. : col. ill. ; 23 x 25 cm.
ISBN: 9781742031019; 1742031013
Annotation: This comprehensive book from Australia about reproduction introduces children to the proper terminology for all terms related to human reproduction. It introduces children to the words, "penis," "vagina," "vulva," "uterus," "womb," "scrotum," "testicles," "sperm," "egg," "vas deferens," "urethra," "sexual intercourse," "ovaries," "fallopian tubes," "fertilisation," "conception," "pregnant," "amniotic fluid," "umbilical cord," "midwife," "breech," "Cesarean Section," "umbilical cord," "breasts," and "pubic hair." One way in which this book aims for comprehensiveness is its brief mention of infertility although surprisingly, given the book's large vocabulary for all things related to reproduction, does not introduce the word "infertility" for the concept of a couple being unable to conceive. "Sometimes a couple wants a baby very much, and although they have sex often, the egg and sperm don't meet." But unfortunately it stops there when it continues, "There are many reasons for this, but we don't have space to explain them all here." However, the book does go on to introduce the concepts of IVF and the use of donor gametes, as well as the need for a couple to visit a doctor in order to receive help in conceiving a baby. But on the next page the author warns children that they should not share this information about how they were conceived with other people: "The way you began and became a part of your family is personal, which means that you don't talk about it with people until you've discussed it with your mum or dad." For children conceived through ART, this could imply that there is something secretive or shameful about how they were conceived. Although the book aims to be comprehensive, and it is quite thorough in anticipating any and every question a child might have, it does not account for those who are gender nonconforming or transgendered in the way that Cory Silverberg's What Makes a Baby aims to do. This is clearly a book for primarily heterosexual parents to use with their children even though the book mentions different types of families which might include two mums or two dads. Cartoon drawings depict mixed race families and include nudity and visual and verbal depictions of lovemaking. Recommended for children ages 5-8.
Available: http://www.angusrobertson.com.au/book/so-thats-where-i-came-from/9341799/
Online article about the book: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/childrens-sex-education-book-updated-after-more-than-30-years/story-e6frfkp9-1225862260255
Where did I really come from? : sexual intercourse, DI, IVF, GIFT, pregnancy, birth, surrogacy, adoption

Where did I really come from? : sexual intercourse, DI, IVF, GIFT, pregnancy, birth, surrogacy, adoption
by Narelle Wickham
illus. by Ingrid Urh
Language: English
Dulwich Hill, N.S.W. : Learn To Include 2008.
2nd Revised edition
31 p. : ill ; 19 x 24 cm.
ISBN: 0646496158; 9780646496153
Recommended age: 5-8
Review: First published in 1992 and now in its second edition, this is the first sex instruction book for children that mentions same-sex parenting as well as the various assisted reproductive technologies. Although the book includes all aspects of alternative family building, none is explained in any detail. Young children will find the language difficult and older children may need more details. Includes nudity.
Annotation: This book begins by telling children that the most important thing they need to know about where babies come from is not how they began “but that certain people wanted you to be born.” It begins with a chapter on sexual intercourse, describing the mechanics of how sperm and egg meet, but right from the get go instructs children that sexual intercourse is not the only way to make a baby, thereby suggesting that this book is really meant for children who were conceived in ways other than intercourse. Given that most of the chapters are devoted to methods of assisted conception: DI, IVF, surrogacy, and adoption, this seems to be the case. For example, in a bold shift from other books on human reproduction, the chapter on donor insemination states outright that sometimes “a woman really wants to have a baby but she doesn’t want to have intercourse with a man,” or that she wants to raise a baby by herself, or with another woman. In these cases a woman must visit a doctor and acquire sperm, herewith introducing children to the terms “donor” and “donor insemination” with a description of how it is done, building on the information introduced in the chapter on sexual intercourse about how sperm and egg meet. Egg donation is given a single sentence in the book and gay fathers are only visually depicted in the chapter on surrogacy. They are otherwise not mentioned in the way that “two mums” are mentioned in the chapter on DI. Although the intention of this book seems to be comprehensiveness, the book could be confusing if not read with a parent who could help explain the more difficult concepts around assisted conception introduced here. Cartoon, sepia-toned illustrations include nudity and visual and verbal depictions of lovemaking. Recommended for children ages 5-8.
Available: http://www.abbeys.com.au/book/where-did-i-really-come-from.do
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