Somos familia
edited by Elizabeth Ormart
illus. by various
Language: Spanish
[Argentina]: Molinos de Viento, 2016.
59 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9789874511133
Summary: Este libro aborda la temática de las nuevas conformaciones familiares a partir de las técnicas de reproducción asistida. Los diferentes relatos de este libro, bajo la forma de cuentos son un oportunidad para que los padres compartan con sus hijos, historias acerca de cómo sus familias, u otras familia, fueron conformadas.
Picture books for children about the experience of knowing or having a gay parent, family member, or friend, as well as books for gender nonconforming kids.
- Home
- Lesbian mothers
- Gay fathers
- Trans People
- Aunts and Uncles
- Gay Grandparents
- Alternative Family Building
- Gay Marriage
- Family Diversity
- Mixed Race Families
- Gender Nonconformity
- Books About Being Different
- AIDS (Disease)
- Notable Gays and Lesbians
- Bullying
- Cross-Dressing
- Tomboys
- Gay Pride
- Homophobia
- Books in Other Languages
Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Hvor er Karlas far?
Hvor er Karlas far?
by Pia Olsen and Karla Elena Olsen
illus. by Ina Korneliussen Language: Danish
Århus : Siesta, 2011.
28 sider : alle ill.
ISBN: 9788792539564; 8792539564
Summary: Bogen Hvor er Karlas far? handler om to årige Karla, der blevet til ved hjælp af en sæddonor - det har hendes mor forklaret hende. Karla forstår ikke helt, hvad en sæddonor er, men han må være en flink mand, for han har hjulpet mor og Karla, så de kunne få hinanden. Og så morfar og mormor og Karla kunne få hinanden. Men sæddonoren kan ikke hjælpe Karla med at få en far. Karlas ven Ferdinand kan ikke helt forstå, hvorfor Karla ikke har en far. Ferdinand har en far - og det har babyspøgelset inde under sofaen også. Hvor er Karlas far? er den første danske børnebog, der henvender sig til børn, som er blevet til ved hjælp af en kendt eller anonym sæddonor. Et stigende antal danske kvinder vælger at få børn ved hjælp af en sæddonor. Men hvordan fortæller man om det? Eksperter anbefaler at tale med børnene om, hvordan de er blevet til, så tidligt som muligt. Bogen Hvor er Karlas far? henvender sig til børn i 2-5 års alderen. Den leverer enkle forklaringer på naturlige spørgsmål. Bogen er en god anledning til at tage den nødvendige snak med sit barn. Den kan også være et redskab for bedsteforældre, pædagoger og andre, som er usikre på, hvordan de skal tackle det, når barnet spørger til sin ’far’. Men vigtigst af alt er, at bogen ’klæder barnet på’ til at svare, når kammeraterne spørger: Hvor er din far?
by Pia Olsen and Karla Elena Olsen
illus. by Ina Korneliussen Language: Danish
Århus : Siesta, 2011.
28 sider : alle ill.
ISBN: 9788792539564; 8792539564
Summary: Bogen Hvor er Karlas far? handler om to årige Karla, der blevet til ved hjælp af en sæddonor - det har hendes mor forklaret hende. Karla forstår ikke helt, hvad en sæddonor er, men han må være en flink mand, for han har hjulpet mor og Karla, så de kunne få hinanden. Og så morfar og mormor og Karla kunne få hinanden. Men sæddonoren kan ikke hjælpe Karla med at få en far. Karlas ven Ferdinand kan ikke helt forstå, hvorfor Karla ikke har en far. Ferdinand har en far - og det har babyspøgelset inde under sofaen også. Hvor er Karlas far? er den første danske børnebog, der henvender sig til børn, som er blevet til ved hjælp af en kendt eller anonym sæddonor. Et stigende antal danske kvinder vælger at få børn ved hjælp af en sæddonor. Men hvordan fortæller man om det? Eksperter anbefaler at tale med børnene om, hvordan de er blevet til, så tidligt som muligt. Bogen Hvor er Karlas far? henvender sig til børn i 2-5 års alderen. Den leverer enkle forklaringer på naturlige spørgsmål. Bogen er en god anledning til at tage den nødvendige snak med sit barn. Den kan også være et redskab for bedsteforældre, pædagoger og andre, som er usikre på, hvordan de skal tackle det, når barnet spørger til sin ’far’. Men vigtigst af alt er, at bogen ’klæder barnet på’ til at svare, når kammeraterne spørger: Hvor er din far?
lesbian mothers,
single mothers by choice,
sperm donation
Monday, December 26, 2016
Slottet med de mange værelser : hvordan er du blevet til?
Slottet med de mange værelser : hvordan er du blevet til?
by Helene Goldberg and Maruska la Cour Mosegaard
illus. by Kirsten Gjerding
Language: Danish
Århus : Turbine, 2008.
[36] sider : alle ill. i farver ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788792208958; 8792208959
Summary: I den tid vi lever i er det ikke alle børn, der er resultatet af en tur i soveværelset. Mange er blevet til på en helt anden måde, og disse børn kar også krav på forklaring på spørgsmålet: Hvor kommer jeg fra?
by Helene Goldberg and Maruska la Cour Mosegaard
illus. by Kirsten Gjerding
Language: Danish
Århus : Turbine, 2008.
[36] sider : alle ill. i farver ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788792208958; 8792208959
Summary: I den tid vi lever i er det ikke alle børn, der er resultatet af en tur i soveværelset. Mange er blevet til på en helt anden måde, og disse børn kar også krav på forklaring på spørgsmålet: Hvor kommer jeg fra?
Saturday, December 3, 2016
All you need is love: the great explanation
All you need is love: the great explanation
by Orran George
illus. by Cindy Booher
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016.
52 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1540631311 ; 9781540631312
Summary: All You Need Is Love - The Great Explanation is a story about a little boy who is conflicted about the family situation of his friends, Isabel and Timmy. His Mother realizes that her son was comparing his family with “non-traditional” families, and so she tells a story to help bring clarity to her son. She tells him the story of a chicken that had laid precious eggs, but she could not take care of all of them. She decides to seek help by finding others that would like to start a family no matter if they were a chicken and a rooster, two chickens or two roosters! Although some chickens disagreed, she finds great support as she makes the difficult decision regarding the well-being of her chicks in providing the best possible life for them. This book is a great resource for parents and little ones in families that have been formed through adoption or surrogacy.
by Orran George
illus. by Cindy Booher
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016.
52 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1540631311 ; 9781540631312
Summary: All You Need Is Love - The Great Explanation is a story about a little boy who is conflicted about the family situation of his friends, Isabel and Timmy. His Mother realizes that her son was comparing his family with “non-traditional” families, and so she tells a story to help bring clarity to her son. She tells him the story of a chicken that had laid precious eggs, but she could not take care of all of them. She decides to seek help by finding others that would like to start a family no matter if they were a chicken and a rooster, two chickens or two roosters! Although some chickens disagreed, she finds great support as she makes the difficult decision regarding the well-being of her chicks in providing the best possible life for them. This book is a great resource for parents and little ones in families that have been formed through adoption or surrogacy.
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
Daddy's home
Daddy's home
by Orran George
illus. by Felipe Flores
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1536941298 ; 9781536941296
Summary: Daddy's Home is a story about a little girl who lives with her two fathers. One day she becomes very sad that her Daddy is away from home and so her Papa consoles her and explains the important work her Daddy is doing. The story ends with a wonderful surprise!
by Orran George
illus. by Felipe Flores
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1536941298 ; 9781536941296
Summary: Daddy's Home is a story about a little girl who lives with her two fathers. One day she becomes very sad that her Daddy is away from home and so her Papa consoles her and explains the important work her Daddy is doing. The story ends with a wonderful surprise!
gay fathers,
One of a Kind Like Me/Único Como Yo
One of a Kind Like Me/Único Como Yo
by Laurin Mayeno
illus. by Robert Liu-Trujillo
Languages: English and Spanish
Blood Orange Press, 2016.
p. : cm.
Summary: One of a Kind Like Me/Único Como Yo is a bilingual children’s book (ages 4-7) based on a true story about a child named Danny who wants to be a princess in the school parade. He and his mom embark on a venture to find a purple princess dress. But will they find it on time?
by Laurin Mayeno
illus. by Robert Liu-Trujillo
Languages: English and Spanish
Blood Orange Press, 2016.
p. : cm.
Summary: One of a Kind Like Me/Único Como Yo is a bilingual children’s book (ages 4-7) based on a true story about a child named Danny who wants to be a princess in the school parade. He and his mom embark on a venture to find a purple princess dress. But will they find it on time?
gender nonconformity,
Friday, November 25, 2016
Mis dos papás
Mis dos papás
by Ignacio R. Floridi
illus. by Aldana Romanin
Language: Spanish
Ignacio R. Floridi, 2015.
Summary: Mis dos papás, es un libro infantil que cuenta la historia de un niño, que presenta a su familia de una manera divertida y amorosa e invita a presentar la tuya. El objetivo del libro es promocionar la diversidad familiar, y dar cuenta que hay tantas formas de ser familia,como personas que la integran. Las ilustraciones fueron confeccionadas a mano y pintadas con acuarelas.
by Ignacio R. Floridi
illus. by Aldana Romanin
Language: Spanish
Ignacio R. Floridi, 2015.
Summary: Mis dos papás, es un libro infantil que cuenta la historia de un niño, que presenta a su familia de una manera divertida y amorosa e invita a presentar la tuya. El objetivo del libro es promocionar la diversidad familiar, y dar cuenta que hay tantas formas de ser familia,como personas que la integran. Las ilustraciones fueron confeccionadas a mano y pintadas con acuarelas.
gay fathers,
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Meidän pihan perhesoppa
Meidän pihan perhesoppa
by Riina Katajavuori; Riikka Toivanen; Maiju Tokola
illus. by Christel Rönns
Language: Finnish
Helsinki : Tammi, © 2015
34 s. : kuv. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 9789513185022 ; 9513185028
Summary: Pontus the Penguin Goes Visiting is a reference book skilfully disguised as a picture book, designed for all families. The story naturally takes the reader from one family to the next as Pontus, the nursery’s soft toy penguin, goes home for the evening with one child in turn. First he visits Kirsikka, then Ilona, Kauri and Malviina. The story amusingly and simply explains how all of them were made in a way that small listeners can easily understand. Along the way we learn about in vitro fertilisation, egg and sperm donation, a two-mum family and adoption.
More information:
by Riina Katajavuori; Riikka Toivanen; Maiju Tokola
illus. by Christel Rönns
Language: Finnish
Helsinki : Tammi, © 2015
34 s. : kuv. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 9789513185022 ; 9513185028
Summary: Pontus the Penguin Goes Visiting is a reference book skilfully disguised as a picture book, designed for all families. The story naturally takes the reader from one family to the next as Pontus, the nursery’s soft toy penguin, goes home for the evening with one child in turn. First he visits Kirsikka, then Ilona, Kauri and Malviina. The story amusingly and simply explains how all of them were made in a way that small listeners can easily understand. Along the way we learn about in vitro fertilisation, egg and sperm donation, a two-mum family and adoption.
More information:
egg donation,
family diversity,
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation
Saturday, November 12, 2016
I like hot dogs
I like hot dogs
by Thomas V. Seminara
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt
Language: English
TomNao Books, 2016.
42 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 0997672501 ; 9780997672503
Summary: A pelican is supposed to like fish, but not this pelican. Phineas the pelican prefers hot dogs. When his mother scolds him for not liking fish like all the other pelicans, he tries again to like fish by snatching up his next fish. But when he scoops up a fish on his attempt to give fish another try, the fish he captures happens to speak Pelican and asks him to please not eat him. He wants to live he says, plus he is still young. The pelican didn’t want to eat him anyway so that was fine with him. The pelican admits to his new friend that he actually prefers hot dogs. And the fish admits that he too is different in that he can speak Pelican. The two form a bond. This is the story of a friendship between two unique individuals and a metaphor about being different.
by Thomas V. Seminara
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt
Language: English
TomNao Books, 2016.
42 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 0997672501 ; 9780997672503
Summary: A pelican is supposed to like fish, but not this pelican. Phineas the pelican prefers hot dogs. When his mother scolds him for not liking fish like all the other pelicans, he tries again to like fish by snatching up his next fish. But when he scoops up a fish on his attempt to give fish another try, the fish he captures happens to speak Pelican and asks him to please not eat him. He wants to live he says, plus he is still young. The pelican didn’t want to eat him anyway so that was fine with him. The pelican admits to his new friend that he actually prefers hot dogs. And the fish admits that he too is different in that he can speak Pelican. The two form a bond. This is the story of a friendship between two unique individuals and a metaphor about being different.
gay authors,
The Boy and The Yellow Cheese
The Boy and The Yellow Cheese
by Thomas V. Seminara
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt
Language: English
TomNao Books, 2016.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 069269983X ; 9780692699836
Summary: Did you know that even the smallest good deed can make a large impact on someone else's life? Most people may not think much about it but this is what a boy named Will would learn in the most unexpected way. Will loves yellow cheese. Just the thought of it makes his mouth water! One day after school, Will quickly made his way to Whitman's to buy a quarter pound of his favorite treat. Being a large man with a ruddy complexion, white hair and white moustache, Mr. Whitman can easily overwhelm anyone - especially a small boy like Will. Will ordered a quarter pound of his favorite yellow cheese. However, as Will dug into his pocket, he realized he forgot his money. What should he do? Suddenly, a petite old lady wearing a blue dress and a pearl necklace came to Will's rescue. She paid for his cheese and smiled. Will quickly grabbed his cheese and ran out, without even thanking her. Oddly, years later, Will still thinks about the Lady. Will they meet again? What will he do when he sees her? In this story, you will realize that even the smallest good deed can really make a huge impact!
by Thomas V. Seminara
illus. by Naomi Malka Litzenblatt
Language: English
TomNao Books, 2016.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 069269983X ; 9780692699836
Summary: Did you know that even the smallest good deed can make a large impact on someone else's life? Most people may not think much about it but this is what a boy named Will would learn in the most unexpected way. Will loves yellow cheese. Just the thought of it makes his mouth water! One day after school, Will quickly made his way to Whitman's to buy a quarter pound of his favorite treat. Being a large man with a ruddy complexion, white hair and white moustache, Mr. Whitman can easily overwhelm anyone - especially a small boy like Will. Will ordered a quarter pound of his favorite yellow cheese. However, as Will dug into his pocket, he realized he forgot his money. What should he do? Suddenly, a petite old lady wearing a blue dress and a pearl necklace came to Will's rescue. She paid for his cheese and smiled. Will quickly grabbed his cheese and ran out, without even thanking her. Oddly, years later, Will still thinks about the Lady. Will they meet again? What will he do when he sees her? In this story, you will realize that even the smallest good deed can really make a huge impact!
gay authors,
Friday, November 11, 2016
Esst ihr Gras oder Raupen? Do you eat grass or caterpillars? : a book about families, arguing, and listening
Esst ihr Gras oder Raupen? Do you eat grass or caterpillars? : a book about families, arguing, and listening
by Cai Schmitz-Weicht
illus. by Ka Schmitz
Languages: German and English
Viel und Mehr, 2016.
p. : col. ill. ; cm.
Summary: Mikolaj, Mara, Yasmin, Lenny und Tariq entdecken beim Spielen zwei kleine Elfen, die sich lauthals streiten. Wie eine echte Menschenfamilie aussieht, ist die verzwickte Frage der beiden. Eher wie bei den Ameisen – viele Erwachsene und viele Kinder, die Raupen essen? Oder eher wie bei den Rehen, wo Gras gefressen wird und die Mutter ein bis zwei Kinder allein im Gebüsch liegen lässt? Die Kinder erklären den beiden Streithähnen jeweils ihre eigene Familie. Und heraus kommt…
by Cai Schmitz-Weicht
illus. by Ka Schmitz
Languages: German and English
Viel und Mehr, 2016.
p. : col. ill. ; cm.
Summary: Mikolaj, Mara, Yasmin, Lenny und Tariq entdecken beim Spielen zwei kleine Elfen, die sich lauthals streiten. Wie eine echte Menschenfamilie aussieht, ist die verzwickte Frage der beiden. Eher wie bei den Ameisen – viele Erwachsene und viele Kinder, die Raupen essen? Oder eher wie bei den Rehen, wo Gras gefressen wird und die Mutter ein bis zwei Kinder allein im Gebüsch liegen lässt? Die Kinder erklären den beiden Streithähnen jeweils ihre eigene Familie. Und heraus kommt…
gay families,
Mayas venninne har to mammaer
Mayas venninne har to mammaer
by Svava Kristin Thorhallsdottir
illus. by Camilla Løken
Language: Norwegian
CreateSpace, 2015.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1518787827 ; 9781518787829
Summary: Fortellingene om Maya er humoristiske og lettleste. Maya er en jente som bor i en by og går i barnehagen. I fortellingene følger vi Maya og ser hverdagen igjennom hennes øyne. I denne boken er Maya forvirret. Faren hennes sier at det er ekkelt og rart at Lise har to mammaer, og når Maya sier det til Lise blir hun kjempelei seg. Maya ville ikke såre Lise, men hun skjønner ikke helt hva hun har gjort galt.
by Svava Kristin Thorhallsdottir
illus. by Camilla Løken
Language: Norwegian
CreateSpace, 2015.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1518787827 ; 9781518787829
Summary: Fortellingene om Maya er humoristiske og lettleste. Maya er en jente som bor i en by og går i barnehagen. I fortellingene følger vi Maya og ser hverdagen igjennom hennes øyne. I denne boken er Maya forvirret. Faren hennes sier at det er ekkelt og rart at Lise har to mammaer, og når Maya sier det til Lise blir hun kjempelei seg. Maya ville ikke såre Lise, men hun skjønner ikke helt hva hun har gjort galt.
lesbian mothers,
Jule hat zwei Mamas
Jule hat zwei Mamas
by Birgit Stupperich
illus. by Thomas Euteneuer
Language: German MDK MEDIAPRINT; Auflage: Neuausg. (1. August 2015).
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 3000497390 ; 9783000497391
Summary: Jule weiß schon lange, dass sie ein Pflegekind ist. Eines Tages wird sie von ihrer besten Freundin gefragt, warum sie denn eigentlich zwei Mamas hat. Jule ist überrascht, so direkt hatte sie das bisher noch niemand gefragt. Mit einem kribbeligen Gefühl im Bauch erzählt sie Theresa zum ersten Mal, wie es dazu kam, dass sie bei Pflegeeltern aufwächst. Dieses Buch soll Pflegekindern dabei helfen, ihre Situation besser zu verstehen. Pflegeeltern bietet es die Möglichkeit, zu dieser Thematik leichter ins Gespräch zu kommen. Außerdem liefern zahlreiche Impulse Ideen, auf welche Weise sie ihrem Pflegekind bei der Auseinandersetzung mit seiner Geschichte hilfreich sein können.
by Birgit Stupperich
illus. by Thomas Euteneuer
Language: German MDK MEDIAPRINT; Auflage: Neuausg. (1. August 2015).
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 3000497390 ; 9783000497391
Summary: Jule weiß schon lange, dass sie ein Pflegekind ist. Eines Tages wird sie von ihrer besten Freundin gefragt, warum sie denn eigentlich zwei Mamas hat. Jule ist überrascht, so direkt hatte sie das bisher noch niemand gefragt. Mit einem kribbeligen Gefühl im Bauch erzählt sie Theresa zum ersten Mal, wie es dazu kam, dass sie bei Pflegeeltern aufwächst. Dieses Buch soll Pflegekindern dabei helfen, ihre Situation besser zu verstehen. Pflegeeltern bietet es die Möglichkeit, zu dieser Thematik leichter ins Gespräch zu kommen. Außerdem liefern zahlreiche Impulse Ideen, auf welche Weise sie ihrem Pflegekind bei der Auseinandersetzung mit seiner Geschichte hilfreich sein können.
lesbian mothers
Deux garçons et un secret
Deux garçons et un secret
by Andrée Poulin
illus. by Marie Lafrance
Language: French
De la Bagnole, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 2897141697 ; 9782897141691
Summary: Émile et Mathieu sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils partagent leurs jeux. Leurs collations. Et leurs secrets. Un beau matin, Émile fait une découverte dans le carré de sable. Ça lui donne la "plus meilleure idée" de toute sa vie. Sauf que certains trouvent que c’est la plus mauvaise idée de toute sa vie. Que fera Émile?
by Andrée Poulin
illus. by Marie Lafrance
Language: French
De la Bagnole, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 2897141697 ; 9782897141691
Summary: Émile et Mathieu sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils partagent leurs jeux. Leurs collations. Et leurs secrets. Un beau matin, Émile fait une découverte dans le carré de sable. Ça lui donne la "plus meilleure idée" de toute sa vie. Sauf que certains trouvent que c’est la plus mauvaise idée de toute sa vie. Que fera Émile?
same-sex marriage
The boy & the bindi
The boy & the bindi
by Vivek Shraya
illus. by Rajni Perera
Language: English
Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1551526689 ; 9781551526683
Summary: In this beautiful children’s picture book by Vivek Shraya, author of the acclaimed God Loves Hair, a five-year-old South Asian boy becomes fascinated with his mother’s bindi, the red dot commonly worn by Hindu women to indicate the point at which creation begins, and wishes to have one of his own. Rather than chastise her son, she agrees to it, and teaches him about its cultural significance, allowing the boy to discover the magic of the bindi, which in turn gives him permission to be more fully himself. Beautifully illustrated by Rajni Perera, The Boy & the Bindi is a joyful celebration of gender and cultural difference.
by Vivek Shraya
illus. by Rajni Perera
Language: English
Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1551526689 ; 9781551526683
Summary: In this beautiful children’s picture book by Vivek Shraya, author of the acclaimed God Loves Hair, a five-year-old South Asian boy becomes fascinated with his mother’s bindi, the red dot commonly worn by Hindu women to indicate the point at which creation begins, and wishes to have one of his own. Rather than chastise her son, she agrees to it, and teaches him about its cultural significance, allowing the boy to discover the magic of the bindi, which in turn gives him permission to be more fully himself. Beautifully illustrated by Rajni Perera, The Boy & the Bindi is a joyful celebration of gender and cultural difference.
gender nonconformity,
Enid and her two mums
Enid and her two mums
written and illus. by Jessica Skogstad
Language: English
Summary: Enid wonders why many kids at school have a mum and a dad, while she has two mums. Discover what Enid finds out about families.
written and illus. by Jessica Skogstad
Language: English
Summary: Enid wonders why many kids at school have a mum and a dad, while she has two mums. Discover what Enid finds out about families.
lesbian mothers
You began as a wish
You began as a wish
by Kim Bergman
illus. by Irit Pollack
Language: English
More information:
by Kim Bergman
illus. by Irit Pollack
Language: English
More information:
egg donation,
gay fathers,
Monday, October 10, 2016
The flower girl wore celery
The flower girl wore celery
by Meryl G. Gordon
illus. by Holly Clifton-Brown
Language: English
Minneapolis, MN, USA : Kar-Ben Publishing, [2016].
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781467778442 ; 1467778443
Summary: "When Emma's cousin Hannah gets married, Emma is thrilled to be the flower girl. However, nothing is quite as she expected it to be, from the ring bearer whom she expected to be a bear, to her celery-colored dress, which she expected to be covered in real celery, to the wedding's two brides."
by Meryl G. Gordon
illus. by Holly Clifton-Brown
Language: English
Minneapolis, MN, USA : Kar-Ben Publishing, [2016].
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781467778442 ; 1467778443
Summary: "When Emma's cousin Hannah gets married, Emma is thrilled to be the flower girl. However, nothing is quite as she expected it to be, from the ring bearer whom she expected to be a bear, to her celery-colored dress, which she expected to be covered in real celery, to the wedding's two brides."
Sunday, October 9, 2016
The great big body book
The great big body book
by Mary Hoffman
illus. by Ros Asquith
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2016.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9781847808721 ; 1847808727
Summary: The fourth book in this internationally best-selling series explores lots of aspects of the body including birth, growth, ageing, senses, the brain, and genetics, but from a family standpoint rather than a straight non-fiction perspective. Features the exploratory, questioning framework and quirky treatment that has worked so well for the series.
by Mary Hoffman
illus. by Ros Asquith
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2016.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 31 cm.
ISBN: 9781847808721 ; 1847808727
Summary: The fourth book in this internationally best-selling series explores lots of aspects of the body including birth, growth, ageing, senses, the brain, and genetics, but from a family standpoint rather than a straight non-fiction perspective. Features the exploratory, questioning framework and quirky treatment that has worked so well for the series.
transgender people
Iris eta Lila = Iris y Lila
Iris eta Lila = Iris y Lila
by Ana Mujika Flores
ill. by Marta G. Rodrigo
Language: Basque
[S.l. : s.n.], [2005].
28 p. il. color 30 cm.
Available in full-text:
by Ana Mujika Flores
ill. by Marta G. Rodrigo
Language: Basque
[S.l. : s.n.], [2005].
28 p. il. color 30 cm.
Available in full-text:
Laura tiene dos mamás
Laura tiene dos mamás
by Yolanda Fito
illus. by Mabel Piérola
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2015.
ISBN: 9788472907317
Summary: Todas las personas somos iguales y distintas a la vez, y a las familias les ocurre lo mismo. Las hay formadas por un padre y una madre, otras están formadas por dos padres o dos madres y también las hay formadas por un padre o por una madre y sus hijos. Las hay extensas, tres generaciones reunidas bajo un mismo techo, y las hay numerosas, con muchos hermanos. También hay familias adoptivas y hogares de acogida. Este libro muestra la variedad de situaciones familiares en que viven y crecen los niños y las niñas, y es un recurso pedagógico en favor de la diversidad y la convivencia.
by Yolanda Fito
illus. by Mabel Piérola
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2015.
ISBN: 9788472907317
Summary: Todas las personas somos iguales y distintas a la vez, y a las familias les ocurre lo mismo. Las hay formadas por un padre y una madre, otras están formadas por dos padres o dos madres y también las hay formadas por un padre o por una madre y sus hijos. Las hay extensas, tres generaciones reunidas bajo un mismo techo, y las hay numerosas, con muchos hermanos. También hay familias adoptivas y hogares de acogida. Este libro muestra la variedad de situaciones familiares en que viven y crecen los niños y las niñas, y es un recurso pedagógico en favor de la diversidad y la convivencia.
lesbian mothers,
Esta es mi historia
Esta es mi historia
by María Pereído
illus. by Núria Fortuny
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2016.
ISBN: 9788472907799
Summary: Las casualidades de la vida, hicieron que a través de una iniciativa radiofónica de la Librería de la Tolerancia en Onda Verde, María nos conociera en persona y nos dejara que el prólogo de este bellísimo cuento lo realizáramos nosotras. Permanentemente en las librerías y en los rincones de las bibliotecas existen cuentos que explican de dónde venimos y cómo se produce ese fenómeno tan asombroso que es la vida.
by María Pereído
illus. by Núria Fortuny
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2016.
ISBN: 9788472907799
Summary: Las casualidades de la vida, hicieron que a través de una iniciativa radiofónica de la Librería de la Tolerancia en Onda Verde, María nos conociera en persona y nos dejara que el prólogo de este bellísimo cuento lo realizáramos nosotras. Permanentemente en las librerías y en los rincones de las bibliotecas existen cuentos que explican de dónde venimos y cómo se produce ese fenómeno tan asombroso que es la vida.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Dad and Daddy Love Every Part of Me!: A book about learning the names of body parts
Dad and Daddy Love Every Part of Me!: A book about learning the names of body parts
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
26 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1514328313 ; 9781514328316
Summary: LGBT parents (both male) teach their child the names of body parts. Focus is on teaching the child the names of body parts. Focus is not on the parents being LGBT, but on the child...whose parents happen to be same-sex.
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
26 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1514328313 ; 9781514328316
Summary: LGBT parents (both male) teach their child the names of body parts. Focus is on teaching the child the names of body parts. Focus is not on the parents being LGBT, but on the child...whose parents happen to be same-sex.
gay fathers,
Dad and Daddy Tuck Me In!: A book for bedtime
Dad and Daddy Tuck Me In!: A book for bedtime
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1515027473 ; 9781515027478
Summary: A fun bedtime story intended to send a child off to sleep thinking happy & silly thoughts, and reminded that Dad and Daddy love them very much. Focus is not on being LGBT, but rather two loving parents who just happen to be two men.
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1515027473 ; 9781515027478
Summary: A fun bedtime story intended to send a child off to sleep thinking happy & silly thoughts, and reminded that Dad and Daddy love them very much. Focus is not on being LGBT, but rather two loving parents who just happen to be two men.
gay fathers,
Mom and Mommy Love Every Part of Me!: A book about learning the names of body parts
Mom and Mommy Love Every Part of Me!: A book about learning the names of body parts
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1514324415 ; 9781514324417
Summary: LGBT parents (both female) teach their child the names of body parts. Focus is on teaching the child the names of body parts. Focus is not on the parents being LGBT, but on the child...whose parents happen to be same-sex.
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1514324415 ; 9781514324417
Summary: LGBT parents (both female) teach their child the names of body parts. Focus is on teaching the child the names of body parts. Focus is not on the parents being LGBT, but on the child...whose parents happen to be same-sex.
lesbian mothers,
Mom and Mommy Tuck Me In!: A book for bedtime
Mom and Mommy Tuck Me In!: A book for bedtime
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1515068870 ; 9781515068877
Summary: A fun bedtime story intended to send a child off to sleep thinking happy & silly thoughts, and reminded that Mom and Mommy love them very much. Focus is not on being LGBT, but rather two loving parents who just happen to be two women.
written and illus. by Michael Dawson
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2015.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1515068870 ; 9781515068877
Summary: A fun bedtime story intended to send a child off to sleep thinking happy & silly thoughts, and reminded that Mom and Mommy love them very much. Focus is not on being LGBT, but rather two loving parents who just happen to be two women.
lesbian mothers,
"Pink is a girl color" ... and other silly things people say
"Pink is a girl color" ... and other silly things people say
by Stacy Drageset
illus. by Erik Drageset
Language: English
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 2015.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 9780692483992 ; 0692483993
Summary: '[E]ncourages young children to be their authentic selves regardless of where they fall on the gender spectrum, and teaches acceptance of those whose gender expression challenges existing stereotypes"--Page [4] of cover.
by Stacy Drageset
illus. by Erik Drageset
Language: English
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 2015.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 9780692483992 ; 0692483993
Summary: '[E]ncourages young children to be their authentic selves regardless of where they fall on the gender spectrum, and teaches acceptance of those whose gender expression challenges existing stereotypes"--Page [4] of cover.
gender identity,
A family is a family is a family
A family is a family is a family
by Sara O'Leary
illus. by Qin Leng
Language: English
Toronto ; Berkeley : Groundwood Books : House of Anansi Press, 2016. ©2016.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 26 cm.
ISBN: 9781554987948 ; 1554987946
Summary: "When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways -- but the same in the one way that matters most of all. One child is worried that her family is just too different to explain, but listens as her classmates talk about what makes their families special. One is raised by a grandmother, and another has two dads. One is full of stepsiblings, and another has a new baby"--Publisher.
by Sara O'Leary
illus. by Qin Leng
Language: English
Toronto ; Berkeley : Groundwood Books : House of Anansi Press, 2016. ©2016.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 26 cm.
ISBN: 9781554987948 ; 1554987946
Summary: "When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways -- but the same in the one way that matters most of all. One child is worried that her family is just too different to explain, but listens as her classmates talk about what makes their families special. One is raised by a grandmother, and another has two dads. One is full of stepsiblings, and another has a new baby"--Publisher.
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
My dads are SO embarrassing!
My dads are SO embarrassing!
written and illus. by Pablo Fernández
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1537155423 9781537155425
Summary: Ben is 9 years old and lives with his two dads. There are good things (going on trips, for example) and not-so-good things (such as being made to eat tomatoes) about living with his dads. But there's one thing Ben really doesn't want people to know about his dads. It's so embarrassing! In this beautifully-illustrated story, Pablo Fernández (author of Becoming Dads) brings a dose of humour to challenging perceptions about non-traditional families.
written and illus. by Pablo Fernández
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1537155423 9781537155425
Summary: Ben is 9 years old and lives with his two dads. There are good things (going on trips, for example) and not-so-good things (such as being made to eat tomatoes) about living with his dads. But there's one thing Ben really doesn't want people to know about his dads. It's so embarrassing! In this beautifully-illustrated story, Pablo Fernández (author of Becoming Dads) brings a dose of humour to challenging perceptions about non-traditional families.
gay fathers,
Keesha's South African Adventure
Keesha's South African Adventure
by Cheril N. Clarke and Monica Bey-Clarke
illus. by Julia Selyutina
Language: English
[Sicklerville, NJ]: My Family!, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 0985106751 ; 9780985106751
Summary: After learning about South Africa in school, the inquisitive and lighthearted Keesha dreams of one day going to see it for herself. She gets the surprise of a lifetime when her two moms decide to take her there for her birthday! On the family's seven-day trip to the diverse country, they make new friends, try new foods, and learn all about South African culture. Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful beaches, ancient caves, colorful markets and an amazing safari are just some of the fantastic experiences they enjoy during their week abroad! Keesha's South African Adventure showcases a proud, modern family on an incredible vacation. The story is sure to open the minds and imaginations of readers to new people, places and things. The spirit of South Africa truly springs to life in this vibrant tale, and kids, parents and educators alike will enjoy the exciting journey.
by Cheril N. Clarke and Monica Bey-Clarke
illus. by Julia Selyutina
Language: English
[Sicklerville, NJ]: My Family!, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 0985106751 ; 9780985106751
Summary: After learning about South Africa in school, the inquisitive and lighthearted Keesha dreams of one day going to see it for herself. She gets the surprise of a lifetime when her two moms decide to take her there for her birthday! On the family's seven-day trip to the diverse country, they make new friends, try new foods, and learn all about South African culture. Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful beaches, ancient caves, colorful markets and an amazing safari are just some of the fantastic experiences they enjoy during their week abroad! Keesha's South African Adventure showcases a proud, modern family on an incredible vacation. The story is sure to open the minds and imaginations of readers to new people, places and things. The spirit of South Africa truly springs to life in this vibrant tale, and kids, parents and educators alike will enjoy the exciting journey.
lesbian mothers,
La princesa valiente
La princesa valiente
by Arancha Apellániz
illus. by Mabel Piérola
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2009.
32 p. : il. col. ; 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472904538 ; 8472904539
Summary: El racismo, el sexismo, la marginación y la diferencia en general son sólo algunos de los grandes problemas de nuestra sociedad. Problemas que desembocan muy a menudo en prejuicios, angustia y ansiedad hasta incluso entre los más pequeños. 'La princesa valiente' reivindica la inteligencia y el valor como la mejor herramienta para hacer frente a los temores y las amenazas infantiles. El desarrollo de sus habilidades y la exaltación de la autonomía con el apoyo de los adultos son algunos de los caminos planteados por este libro para resolver sus problemas.
by Arancha Apellániz
illus. by Mabel Piérola
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2009.
32 p. : il. col. ; 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472904538 ; 8472904539
Summary: El racismo, el sexismo, la marginación y la diferencia en general son sólo algunos de los grandes problemas de nuestra sociedad. Problemas que desembocan muy a menudo en prejuicios, angustia y ansiedad hasta incluso entre los más pequeños. 'La princesa valiente' reivindica la inteligencia y el valor como la mejor herramienta para hacer frente a los temores y las amenazas infantiles. El desarrollo de sus habilidades y la exaltación de la autonomía con el apoyo de los adultos son algunos de los caminos planteados por este libro para resolver sus problemas.
Marta y la sirena = Marta and the mermaid
Marta y la sirena = Marta and the mermaid
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2009.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624460z
Summary: ¿Tú qué pensarías si te dijese que una sirena se enamoró de Marta? ... Tal vez estemos hablando de un “mundo de fantasía”... ¡O tal vez no!
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2009.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624460z
Summary: ¿Tú qué pensarías si te dijese que una sirena se enamoró de Marta? ... Tal vez estemos hablando de un “mundo de fantasía”... ¡O tal vez no!
La princesa Ana = Princess Anne
La princesa Ana = Princess Anne
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2009.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624446 ; 8493624446
Summary: En todo cuento de princesas tiene que haber una rana a la que dándole un beso se convierta en ... y aquí llegó el momento de cambiar la tradición...
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2009.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624446 ; 8493624446
Summary: En todo cuento de princesas tiene que haber una rana a la que dándole un beso se convierta en ... y aquí llegó el momento de cambiar la tradición...
Seelie, el hada buena
Seelie, el hada buena
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish
[Alicante] ONG por la No Discriminación 2008.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624422 ; 849362442X
Summary: 'Seelie, el hada buena' está considerado el primer cuento infantil que trata una relación homoparental y donde sus protagonistas son bisexuales. Y el cuento termina, "¿tienes tú dos mamas que se quieren y que te quieren mucho?". "¡A mí, mis mamas me quieren muchíííísimo!
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish
[Alicante] ONG por la No Discriminación 2008.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624422 ; 849362442X
Summary: 'Seelie, el hada buena' está considerado el primer cuento infantil que trata una relación homoparental y donde sus protagonistas son bisexuales. Y el cuento termina, "¿tienes tú dos mamas que se quieren y que te quieren mucho?". "¡A mí, mis mamas me quieren muchíííísimo!
lesbian mothers,
El viejo coche = The old car
El viejo coche = The old car
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Barcelona] ONG por la No Discriminación 2008.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624484 ; 8493624489
written and illus. by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish and English
[Barcelona] ONG por la No Discriminación 2008.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493624484 ; 8493624489
Los poderes del hada Chiquita
Los poderes del hada Chiquita : (version teatral)
by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2010.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493754907 ; 8493754900
Summary: Un cuento en el que el valor de cada persona está por encima de su condición sexual.
by Luisa Guerrero
Language: Spanish
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2010.
[24] p. il. col. 30 cm.
ISBN: 9788493754907 ; 8493754900
Summary: Un cuento en el que el valor de cada persona está por encima de su condición sexual.
¡Maravillosas familias! Homenaje a Gloria Fuertes
¡Maravillosas familias! : homenaje a Gloria Fuertes
by Luisa Guerrero
illus. by various artists
Language: Spanish
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2011.
[32] p. il. col. 22 x 22 cm.
Summary: Este libro es un homenaje a nuestra querida Gloria Fuertes. Me gustaría pensar que ella, en el cielo de las poetas, se siente feliz de leerlo. Tal y como nos dijo en una ocasión: “En este juego de cartas que es la vida gana el que más sonrisas ponga sobre el tapete”. En la sociedad actual nos encontramos con muchos tipos de familias. Esto es una realidad que el niño necesita entender y, para ello, nada mejor que a través de los maravillosos ejemplos que nos ofrece la Madre Naturaleza. Este libro va dirigido a los más pequeños. Escrito en forma de pequeñas poesías, cada una de ellas refleja un tipo de familia diferente.
by Luisa Guerrero
illus. by various artists
Language: Spanish
[Sabadell] ONG por la No Discriminación 2011.
[32] p. il. col. 22 x 22 cm.
Summary: Este libro es un homenaje a nuestra querida Gloria Fuertes. Me gustaría pensar que ella, en el cielo de las poetas, se siente feliz de leerlo. Tal y como nos dijo en una ocasión: “En este juego de cartas que es la vida gana el que más sonrisas ponga sobre el tapete”. En la sociedad actual nos encontramos con muchos tipos de familias. Esto es una realidad que el niño necesita entender y, para ello, nada mejor que a través de los maravillosos ejemplos que nos ofrece la Madre Naturaleza. Este libro va dirigido a los más pequeños. Escrito en forma de pequeñas poesías, cada una de ellas refleja un tipo de familia diferente.
family diversity,
Monday, October 3, 2016
Cebollino y Pimentón
Cebollino y Pimentón
written and illus. by Laura Reixach
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2010.
42 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472904903 ; 8472904903
Summary: La historia de cebollino y Pimentón es la historia de dos pingüinos que, tras años de vivir juntos, tienen ganas de formar una familia.Pero Cebollino y Pimentón no pueden poner ningún huevo.Y esto les entristece mucho.Pero a veces se hace realidad aquello que paracía imposible.
written and illus. by Laura Reixach
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2010.
42 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472904903 ; 8472904903
Summary: La historia de cebollino y Pimentón es la historia de dos pingüinos que, tras años de vivir juntos, tienen ganas de formar una familia.Pero Cebollino y Pimentón no pueden poner ningún huevo.Y esto les entristece mucho.Pero a veces se hace realidad aquello que paracía imposible.
gay marriage,
Simón, el topo
Simón, el topo
by Carmen de Manuel
illus. by Laura Reixach
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2011.
32 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472905290 ; 8472905292
Summary: Simón, el protagonista de esta historia, es un topo, pero no es topo como los demás. Simón es diferente. La emotiva historia de Simón entretiene a los niños y a las niñas y ayuda a los adultos, padres, madres, educadores y otros profesionales, a abordar con los menores un tema tan delicado como el de la homosexualidad infa ntil con toda naturalidad.
by Carmen de Manuel
illus. by Laura Reixach
Language: Spanish
Barcelona : Bellaterra, 2011.
32 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472905290 ; 8472905292
Summary: Simón, el protagonista de esta historia, es un topo, pero no es topo como los demás. Simón es diferente. La emotiva historia de Simón entretiene a los niños y a las niñas y ayuda a los adultos, padres, madres, educadores y otros profesionales, a abordar con los menores un tema tan delicado como el de la homosexualidad infa ntil con toda naturalidad.
¡Déjame en paz! Yo soy de colores. ¿Y tú?
¡Déjame en paz! Yo soy de colores. ¿Y tú?
by Olga Ibarra
illus. by Patricia Saavedra
Language: Spanish
La Locomotora, 2016.
p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9788494583216
Summary: La mudanza de toda mi familia: mis madres, mis hermanos y mi perro a Citygris no resultó ser lo que me imaginaba. Una ciudad gris, todo era de ese color, hasta las personas eran grises y el colegio era igual; mi presencia no gustaba y se metian conmigo llamándome ¡Colorines, colorines! Un cuento para abordar el acoso escolar en edades tempras y la diversidad familiar. Con un símil de temperas mágicas, se pretende plantear que la persistencia, el compromiso y la implicación hacen que la Tolerancia sea el eje vertebrador de las relaciones.
by Olga Ibarra
illus. by Patricia Saavedra
Language: Spanish
La Locomotora, 2016.
p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9788494583216
Summary: La mudanza de toda mi familia: mis madres, mis hermanos y mi perro a Citygris no resultó ser lo que me imaginaba. Una ciudad gris, todo era de ese color, hasta las personas eran grises y el colegio era igual; mi presencia no gustaba y se metian conmigo llamándome ¡Colorines, colorines! Un cuento para abordar el acoso escolar en edades tempras y la diversidad familiar. Con un símil de temperas mágicas, se pretende plantear que la persistencia, el compromiso y la implicación hacen que la Tolerancia sea el eje vertebrador de las relaciones.
family diversity,
lesbian mothers,
Martín y la tarta de chocolate
Martín y la tarta de chocolate
by Julián Guerra López
illus. by Carles Ponsí
Language: Spanish
Editorial Samarcanda, 2016.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 8416179395 ; 9788416179398
Summary: Es el cumpleaños de Papá y Martín quiere prepararle una sorpresa. Papi le ayudará, compartiendo con él su ilusión y un importante secreto de cocina. En Martín y la tarta de chocolate conoceremos a Martín, su Papá y su Papi y descubriremos lo fácil que es ser feliz en familia.
by Julián Guerra López
illus. by Carles Ponsí
Language: Spanish
Editorial Samarcanda, 2016.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 8416179395 ; 9788416179398
Summary: Es el cumpleaños de Papá y Martín quiere prepararle una sorpresa. Papi le ayudará, compartiendo con él su ilusión y un importante secreto de cocina. En Martín y la tarta de chocolate conoceremos a Martín, su Papá y su Papi y descubriremos lo fácil que es ser feliz en familia.
gay fathers,
Lala Lolka
Lala Lolka
written and illus. by Katarzyna Bogucka
Language: Polish
Łódź : Wydawnictwo Ładne Halo, 2012.
35 unnumbered pages, 2 folded plates : color illustrations ; 18 x 25 cm.
ISBN: 9788362856169 ; 8362856165
Summary: To lekko skandalizująca, mocno żartobliwa historia kilkuletniego chłopca, który w zbiorze swoich ulubionych zabawek ma lalkę o imieniu Wiola. Jak się okazuje, nie przynosi mu to żadnej szkody: Lolek jest chłopcem rozważnym, wrażliwym i zdolnym. Kłopoty zaczynają się dopiero wtedy, kiedy bohaterowie – Lolek i jego lalka – wyruszają wspólnie do przedszkola. Czy świat dorosłych jest przygotowany na przyjęcie tej pary? A co na to dzieci? Dowiecie się tego śledząc zabawny rymowany tekst i uzupełniające go brawurowo ilustracje.
written and illus. by Katarzyna Bogucka
Language: Polish
Łódź : Wydawnictwo Ładne Halo, 2012.
35 unnumbered pages, 2 folded plates : color illustrations ; 18 x 25 cm.
ISBN: 9788362856169 ; 8362856165
Summary: To lekko skandalizująca, mocno żartobliwa historia kilkuletniego chłopca, który w zbiorze swoich ulubionych zabawek ma lalkę o imieniu Wiola. Jak się okazuje, nie przynosi mu to żadnej szkody: Lolek jest chłopcem rozważnym, wrażliwym i zdolnym. Kłopoty zaczynają się dopiero wtedy, kiedy bohaterowie – Lolek i jego lalka – wyruszają wspólnie do przedszkola. Czy świat dorosłych jest przygotowany na przyjęcie tej pary? A co na to dzieci? Dowiecie się tego śledząc zabawny rymowany tekst i uzupełniające go brawurowo ilustracje.
gender nonconformity,
El Rancho De Cris
El Rancho De Cris
by María Gutiérrez Díaz and Isaac Correa Fajardo
illus. by Nazara Lázaro Guerra
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2015.
28 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472907195 ; 8472907198
Summary: Cris es una niña de cuatro años que piensa que de mayor va a ser un hombre como su papá. Prefiere juegos y disfraces masculinos y disfruta imaginando que poseerá un rancho en el Lejano Oeste con vacas y caballos. Sus padres, preocupados, buscan información y respuestas que los tranquilicen.
by María Gutiérrez Díaz and Isaac Correa Fajardo
illus. by Nazara Lázaro Guerra
Language: Spanish
Bellaterra, 2015.
28 p. il. col. 33 cm.
ISBN: 9788472907195 ; 8472907198
Summary: Cris es una niña de cuatro años que piensa que de mayor va a ser un hombre como su papá. Prefiere juegos y disfraces masculinos y disfruta imaginando que poseerá un rancho en el Lejano Oeste con vacas y caballos. Sus padres, preocupados, buscan información y respuestas que los tranquilicen.
gender nonconformity,
transgender children
Mi primer amor
Mi primer amor
by Brane Mozetič
illus. by Maja Kastelic
Language: Spanish
[Barcelona] : Edicions Bellaterra, 2016.
45 p. il. col. 22 cm.
ISBN: 9788472907539 ; 8472907538
Summary: Cuando tenía 6 años, tuve un gran amigo en el parvulario. Estábamos siempre juntos, en el patio, en el comedor, y cuando íbamos de excursión formábamos pareja. Pero eso a las maestras no les gustó y nos separaron. Y nos hicieron sentir que nuestras emociones no eran correctas. Cuando me hice mayor, entendí que no tenían derecho a hacernos eso.
by Brane Mozetič
illus. by Maja Kastelic
Language: Spanish
[Barcelona] : Edicions Bellaterra, 2016.
45 p. il. col. 22 cm.
ISBN: 9788472907539 ; 8472907538
Summary: Cuando tenía 6 años, tuve un gran amigo en el parvulario. Estábamos siempre juntos, en el patio, en el comedor, y cuando íbamos de excursión formábamos pareja. Pero eso a las maestras no les gustó y nos separaron. Y nos hicieron sentir que nuestras emociones no eran correctas. Cuando me hice mayor, entendí que no tenían derecho a hacernos eso.
anti-gay sentiment,
Si el rosa es de las niñas, el azul es del mar
Si el rosa es de las niñas, el azul es del mar
by Óscar Espirita
illus. by Sanz y Vila
Language: Spanish
Ediciones Hidroavión, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9788494530661
Summary: Libro enfocado a un público infantil, aunque se puede considerar para todas las edades. El autor del poemario Niño marica nos presenta su primer cuento infantil, un libro ilustrado que narra la historia de Kium, niño que no se siente aceptado por sus compañeros en su primer día de clase por ir vestido con su camiseta rosa favorita y emprende una aventura por la naturaleza hasta descubrir que los colores son de todos.
by Óscar Espirita
illus. by Sanz y Vila
Language: Spanish
Ediciones Hidroavión, 2016.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9788494530661
Summary: Libro enfocado a un público infantil, aunque se puede considerar para todas las edades. El autor del poemario Niño marica nos presenta su primer cuento infantil, un libro ilustrado que narra la historia de Kium, niño que no se siente aceptado por sus compañeros en su primer día de clase por ir vestido con su camiseta rosa favorita y emprende una aventura por la naturaleza hasta descubrir que los colores son de todos.
anti-gay sentiment,
Saturday, July 2, 2016
First week blues
First week blues
by Jesse Greenslade
illus. by Anna Evans
Language: English
Summary: First Week Blues teaches children about diversity and acceptance. The story First Week Blues centres on a little penguin called Blue who is starting his first week at school. Blue is different from the other birds in his class. They think Blue is weird and do not accept him; they exclude and laugh at him. As Blue's first week progresses the other birds' less visible vulnerabilities are exposed. Through a social, emotional learning approach, the book promotes tolerance, vulnerability, acceptance and celebrates diversity. The book aims to boost a child's self-esteem and help them realise that being different is a positive trait.
by Jesse Greenslade
illus. by Anna Evans
Language: English
Summary: First Week Blues teaches children about diversity and acceptance. The story First Week Blues centres on a little penguin called Blue who is starting his first week at school. Blue is different from the other birds in his class. They think Blue is weird and do not accept him; they exclude and laugh at him. As Blue's first week progresses the other birds' less visible vulnerabilities are exposed. Through a social, emotional learning approach, the book promotes tolerance, vulnerability, acceptance and celebrates diversity. The book aims to boost a child's self-esteem and help them realise that being different is a positive trait.
New Zealand
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