Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Lopez family. Science fair day

The Lopez family. Science fair day 
by Monica Bey-Clarke; Cheril N Clarke
illus. by Aiswarya Mukherjee 
Language: English 
Sicklerville, NJ : My Family!/Dodi Press, ©2011. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 24 cm. 
ISBN: 9780976727361; 0976727366 
Summary: The Lopez Family: Science Fair Day is the first story in a fun series featuring Felix Lopez and his two dads. This story takes you on a journey as Felix learns how to cope in difficult situations, and he teaches children life lessons by his examples. Available:

Little Adu: a trip to the dentist

Little Adu: a trip to the dentist
by Terry Daily
Language: English 
Sicklerville, NJ : My Family!/Dodi Press, ©2011. 
Summary: Little Adu was adopted from Africa and he loves his two dads! Come along and join him as he explores his new world! This is a fun, silly and adventurous series your child will love!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two moms are better than one

Two moms are better than one
by angela and jana

Arwen and her daddies

Arwen and her daddies
Jarko De Witte van Leeuwen ; [transl. from the Dutch].
Language: English
[Dordrecht : De Witte van Leeuwen], 2009.
[56] p. : ill., portr. ; 22x29 cm.
ISBN: 9789081485425; 9081485423
Summary: 'Arwen and her Daddies' is the adoption story of the African American girl Arwen, born in New York City, by her Dutch daddies, told by 4 year old Arwen herself. She tells how they became a family. The book features multiple diversity aspects, such as intercountry, interracial adoption by same sex parents. Brought in a very natural and childlike way. A real feel good book.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Story : A Book for Young Children About Their Conception through Donor Sperm to Lesbian Parents

Our Story : A Book for Young Children About Their Conception through Donor Sperm to Lesbian Parents
by Nicola Baxter, Donor Conception Network
Nottingham : Donor Conception Network, ©2002.
24 p. : col. ill. ; 20 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 095439951X; 9780954399511
Summary: One day I said, "Have I got a dad?". Then my mums told me all about how a hospital helped them to have a baby-- me!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Matters Most: A Children’s Book of Families

What matters most : a children's book of families 
written and illus. by Kristin Carter 
Language: English 
[S.l.] : Booksurge, ©2008. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 16 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781439201534; 1439201536
Review: Four-year-old Keira questions her dad about whether they are a real family because she does not have a mommy. Her dad assures her that they are a real family by sending her on play- dates with a different family each day of the week. She meets several different kinds of families, including ones with two moms, two dads, adopted children, and divorced parents. She comes to realize that families are a group of people who love each other, and that is what matters most. Written and illustrated by the author, a preschool teacher in California, as part of her master’s thesis at California Polytechnic State University. Included here because it is narrated through the eyes of a four- year-old girl living with her single dad. Simple and colorful illustrations. For children who spend time with other families.

Monday, July 4, 2011

And baby makes 4

And baby makes 4
written by Judith Benjamin 
graphics by Judith Freeman.
Language: English
[S.l.] : Motek Press, ©2009.
[32] p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
ISBN: 0615316824; 9780615316826
Summary: One of her moms is pregnant! What will this mean for a child who is becoming an older sibling? Her mothers prepare her for the change in their family, and finally the baby arrives. The girl feels some ambivalence, with a happy acceptance of the new baby at the end.

"Welcome to the World Baby Memory Book" (Celebrating All Families)

"Welcome to the World Baby Memory Book" (Celebrating All Families)
by K. Violet
Language: English
Kviolet Publishing, 2010
40 p.; 11 x 9 x 6 inches
ISBN: 0615324916; 9780615324913
Summary: This Baby Memory Book is a precious keepsake for all families. It provides an adaptable outline for single parents, gay parents, adoptive parents, guardians and all others to record memorable moments of their baby's early years. At last a baby memory book has been created for the diverse families of today's world.

A tale of two mommies

A tale of two mommies
by Vanita Oelschlager
illus. by Mike Blanc
Language: English
[Akron, Ohio] : VanitaBooks, ©2011.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9780982636664; 0982636660
Summary: A Tale of Two Mommies is a beach conversation among three children. One boy asks another boy about having two mommies. A young girl listening in asks some questions too.


I love ewe

I love ewe
by Ash Spencer
Language: English, 2011 
36 pp.
ISBN: 9781447744504; 1447744500
Summary: Join the playful lives of Felicity, Jayne, Rasmus and Katarina as they explore Mulberry Farm. Follow them as they discover things about themselves they didn't once know and only when they knew could they be themselves. Watch as they adventure into the unknown, battle enemies, learn what real love and life is and have strawberry fights! Have fun, fall in love, and learn.

Evan's beard

Evan's beard
by David Johnson
Language: English, 2006
16 pp.
Summary: Evan, who comes from a family with two Mommies, learns that when he grows up to be a man he'll be able to grow a beard.

Fairy tales for the 21st century

Fairy tales for the 21st century
by Bill Carey
Language: English, 2007
28 pp.
Summary: A same-sex retelling of two classic stories, suitable for children of all ages. Contents: Sleeping Beauty and Cinderallen.

My family is special

My family is special
By Hillary Alice Miller
Language: English, 2009
11 pp.
Summary: A sweet view of family and its diversity in today's world.

The Roos, A home for baby

The Roos, A home for baby
by David Baker
illus. by Randy Jennings
Language: English, 2005
14 pp.
ISBN: 9781411622906
Summary: Two daddy-roos get their chance to adopt the baby-roo they have dreamed of for so long, but they have one problem, how do they carry baby-roo. Join them in their quest for an answer.


written and illus. by Sandro Isaack
Language: English, 2011 
36 pp. 
ISBN: 9780557167241
Summary: Dad and Dad had been happy together for a good 10 years, but Dad and Dad were not married. Dad and Dad couldn't remember when the stork visited a couple before they got married. Dad and Dad had a GREAT IDEA - "We are going to invite the stork BEFORE we get married!" - but where does the stork live? Join Dad and Dad in this fun adventure as they search for the stork EVERYWHERE!

Renee's family

Renee's family
by Kris Jacobson
Language: English, 2011
32 pp.
Summary: Renee's Family is an illustrated childrens book about a young child growing up with two moms.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Elena's serenade

Elena's serenade 
by Campbell Geeslin 
illus. by Ana Juan 
Language: English 
New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, ©2004. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 0689849087; 9780689849084
Summary: In Mexico, a little girl disguised as a boy, sets out for Monterrey determined to master the art of glassblowing, and in the process, experiences self-discovery along the way. 

William's doll

William's doll
by Charlotte Zolotow 
illus. by William Pène du Bois 
Language: English 
New York, Harper & Row [1972] 
30 p. col. illus. 19 cm.
ISBN: 0060270489; 9780060270483
Summary: William's father gives him a basketball and a train but these do not make him want a doll less. 

X, a fabulous child's story

X, a fabulous child's story 
by Lois Gould 
illus. by Jacqueline Chwast 
Language: English 
New York : Daughters Pub. Co., [1978] 
[52] p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 0913780219; 9780913780213
Summary: X is loved by its classmates but despised by adults because no one knows if it is a boy or girl.

10,000 dresses

10,000 dresses 
by Marcus Ewert 
illus. by Rex Ray 
Language: English 
New York : Seven Stories Press, ©2008. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
ISBN: 9781583228500; 1583228500
Summary: Bailey longs to wear the beautiful dresses of her dreams but is ridiculed by her unsympathetic family which rejects her true perception of herself. Every night Bailey dreams about magical dresses; dresses made of crystals and rainbows and flowers, even dresses made of windows. But when Bailey's awake no one wants to hear about these beautiful dreams. Then Bailey meets Laurel, an older girl who is inspired by Bailey's imagination. The two of them begin making dresses together, and Bailey's dreams come true.
Awards: American Library Association Stonewall Book Awards Honor Book, 2010. 

Monday is one day

Monday is one day
by Arthur A Levine
illus. by Julian Hector
Language: English
New York : Scholastic Press, 2011.
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9780439789240; 0439789249
Summary: A rhyming countdown of the days of the week as a father and child find ways to spend time together while waiting for the weekend. Included on this list because it has a pair of gay fathers depicted in the book. 

Ulysse et Alice

Ulysse et Alice 
by Ariane Bertouille 
illus. by Marie-Claude Favreau 
Language: French 
Montréal : Éditions du Remue-ménage, [2006?] 
28 p. : ill. en coul. ; 34 cm.
ISBN: 289091237X; 9782890912373
Summary: Cette fois-ci, l'oncle Dédé a apporté un cadeau bien spécial : une souris aux longues moustaches expressives. Ulysse n'en croit pas ses yeux. Il est fou de joie ! Mais pour combien de temps ? Pourra-t-il convaincre son chat et ses deux mamans de garder une invitée aussi pleine d'imagination et d'énergie ? Même si toute la richesse du monde tient dans sa diversité, le quotidien de nombreuses familles - si différentes les unes des autres - se ressemble souvent beaucoup.

J'ai 2 papas qui s'aiment

J'ai 2 papas qui s'aiment 
by Morgane David 
Language: French 
Paris : Hatier, 2007. 
1 vol.( non paginé [24] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9782218928055; 2218928051
Summary: Au travers d'histoires simples et concrètes, la collection éthique et Toc ! fait passer deux notions fondamentales : le droit à la différence et le devoir d'accepter l'autre. ces textes proposent aux enfants des messages essentiels sur la vie en communauté, et leur permettent de se faire une opinion grâce à des textes courts, forts et sans tabous. Ces livres sont aussi les médiateurs du dialogue parents / enfants sur des sujets difficiles à aborder. Titouan a deux papas qui s'aiment, ce n'est pas courant. Il va devoir le faire accepter à ses copains. Mais toutes les familles ne sont-elles pas différentes ? Avec une préface de Cécile Walot, psychologue.

La fête des deux mamans

La fête des deux mamans
by Ingrid Chabbert
illus. by Chadia Loueslati
Language: French
[Carcassonne] : les Éd. les Petits pas de Ioannis, DL 2010
1 vol. (non paginé [25] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 2953691308; 9782953691306
From Amazon: Au centre aéré, Prunelle prépare la fête des mamans avec ses copains. Mais voilà, l'animatrice lui tend de quoi préparer un seul cadeau... et Prunelle a besoin de deux fois plus, car elle a deux mamans! 

Jean a deux mamans

Jean a deux mamans 
by Ophélie Texier 
Language: French 
Paris : L'École des loisirs, 2004. 
[20] p. : ill. en coul. ; 17 cm.
ISBN: 221107457X; 9782211074575 


by Muriel Douru 
Language: French 
Paris : Ed.gaies et lesbiennes, 2003. 
1 vol.(non paginé) : ill. en coul. ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 9782912706201; 2912706203
Summary: "Théo a deux mamans. Comment vont réagir ses copains de classe? 

Un mariage vraiment gai

Un mariage vraiment gai 
by Muriel Douru 
Language: French 
Paris : Ed. gaies et lesbiennes, 2004. 
[24] p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 2912706254; 9782912706256
Summary: Charlotte a deux papas qui s'aiment. Or, un jour, à l'école, Barnabé traite Dimitri de " PD ". Désormais, elle n'aura qu'un but, faire découvrir à ses amis la vérité sur sa famille. Et la grande nouvelle que vont lui annoncer ses papas, ce jour-là, va l'aider dans sa quête de tolérance... 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The story of Fluff the bunny

The story of Fluff the bunny 
by Ron Pejril 
Language: English 
[Pennsylvania? : s.n.], ©1989. 
40 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Summary: Fluff The Bunny is a childrens story about the main character's (Fluff's) journey of gender discovery. Fluff is very confused, because he feels just as pink as some girls, and just as blue as some boys. Fluff goes into his closet to wear pink and sing pink songs. Eventually he starts to open the door of his closet, much to his friends' dismay.

My princess boy : a mom's story about a young boy who loves to dress up

My princess boy : a mom's story about a young boy who loves to dress up 
by Cheryl Kilodavis 
illus. by Suzanne DeSimone 
Language: English 
New York : Aladdin, 2011, ©2009. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781442429888; 1442429887
Summary: A four-year-old boy loves dressing up in princess clothing. "A nonfiction picture book about acceptance ... to give children and adults a tool to talk about unconditional friendship"--Dust jacket.
Reviews: School Library Journal 

Carly, she's still my daddy

Carly : she's still my daddy 
by Mary Boenke 
illus. by Dolores Dudley 
Language: English 
[S.l.] : Transgender Network of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, ©2004. 
20 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Summary: Tommy tells the story of his father's transition from Carl to Carly. He learns about other trans persons -- female to male, intersex, crossdressers, and those who live in the middle. The reactions of playmates, grandparents, and the child's mother are represented. Benchmarks of Carly's full transition are built into the story.

My uncle's wedding

My uncle's wedding 
by Eric Ross 
illus. by Tracy K Greene 
Language: English 
United States : E. Ross, ©2011. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col ill. ; 26 cm.
ISBN: 9781456531034; 1456531034
From Amazon: There’s so much to do now that Uncle Mike and Steve are getting married. Follow Andy on this enjoyable journey as he talks about his uncle's wedding, how it affects him, and the things he gets to do in preparation for the ceremony. You’ll laugh and smile as you read this adorable story about marriage and family.

Mom, Mama, and Me ... And How I Came to Be!

Mom, Mama, and Me... and How I Came to Be! 
by Tina Rella 
illus. by Monica Meza 
produced by Molly Rose Siobhan Summer 
Language: English 
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010. 
26 pp. 
ISBN: 1452875669; 9781452875668
Summary: Today is Career Day at school and all of the students in Jonathan's class are sharing what their moms and dads do for a living. Jonathan doesn't know what to say when it comes time for him to talk about his dad - he has two mothers. That night he asks his Mom and Mama why he doesn't have a father, and they tell him about the extraordinary journey they took to have him, using a sperm donor, in this touching musical book.

Daddy and Pop

Daddy and Pop
by Tina Rella
illustrated by Monica Meza
Produced by Molly Summer
Language: English
CreateSpace, c2010
26 p. : col. ill. ; 26 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 1450554113; 9781450554114
My annotation: When Jessie’s first grade class is asked to draw pictures of their families, Jessie is the first to offer to share hers. When she is all done talking about her two daddies, a girl in her class asks, “Where’s your mom?” to which Jessie replies that she does not have one. “You have to have a mom,” the little girl says. “How could you be born if you didn’t have a mom?” When her daddies pick her up from school and ask her about her day, Jessie asks, apparently for the first time ever, “Am I supposed to have a mom?” to which she does not get an immediate answer from her fathers, but rather a “why do you ask?” question. When she asks where she came from, her daddy replies, “Now THAT is a very special story.” And so they tell her about the “pretty girl” who gave them an egg and the “lovely lady” who carried her to term. The story is partially told in a rhyme that in some parts does not make sense and detracts from the story. The book takes a family-building approach and employs the “helper” script. Recommended for children ages 5-8.
Library of Congress subject headings: 

  • Children of gay parents -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile fiction
  • Gay fathers - Pictorial works -- Juvenile fiction
  • Children of gay parents


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dad David, Baba Chris and me

Dad David, Baba Chris and me 
by Ed Merchant; British Association for Adoption & Fostering. 
Language: English 
London : BAAF, 2010. 
p. cm.
ISBN: 9781905664894; 1905664893
From the Publisher: This brightly illustrated book for children aged 5-10 years old tells Ben’s story about his ordinary life. Ben was adopted by his gay parents – Dad David and Baba Chris – when he was four years old, and they live happily together in an ordinary house, on an ordinary street and do ordinary things.

When Ben starts junior school his ordinary life is turned upside down. Some children begin to tease him because he lives with two dads. They try to hurt and upset him by calling him “gay”. Now Ben is worried that he is not so ordinary any more and he is anxious about being different.

Baba Chris and Ben’s school teacher Miss Patel help Ben to understand that children live in all kinds of families and that what matters most is that children are loved and cared for.

Dad David, Baba Chris and ME also addresses the sensitive issue of whether children’s sexuality will be affected by being raised by same-sex parents. Ben asks his two dads if he will be gay just like them, but Baba Chris tells him that he will know how he feels when he is older. Dad David says that Ben will most likely find a girlfriend, and both his dads reassure Ben that whatever he does and however he feels it will be quite alright and quite ordinary. But it will be special for Ben.

Dad David, Baba Chris and ME helps to explain the diversity and “difference” of family groups, and encourages an understanding and appreciation of same-sex parents. The book will be particularly useful for social workers, child care professionals, carers and adoptive parents when exploring the complexities of modern family life with young children. 

Want toast

Want toast 
by Anna Wilson 
illus. by Vanda Carter 
Language: English 
London : Onlywomen, 2010.
p. cm.
ISBN: 9780956105301; 0956105300
Summary: A picture book about definitely independent child seeking, and ultimately getting, the attention of her female parents.
Publisher's Annotation: Picture book, Want Toast tells the story of a very young, very adventurous girl. But although Ruth knows what she wants, the delights of waking up at first hint of daylight prove hard to share with her mummies. And soon she learns there's more to learn. This is a joyous tale of discovery wherein Ruth plans her next steps. 

Donovan's big day

Donovan's big day 
by Lesléa Newman 
illus. by Mike Dutton 
Language: English 
Berkeley, CA : Tricycle Press, ©2011. 
1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 28 cm.
ISBN: 9781582463322; 1582463328
Summary: From the moment Donovan wakes in the morning, he painstakingly prepares for his special role in the wedding ceremony of his two mothers.
Annotation: Donovan's two moms are getting married, and he can't wait for the celebration to begin. After all, as ringbearer, he has a very important job to do. Any boy or girl with same-sex parents-or who knows a same-sex couple-will appreciate this picture book about love, family, and marriage. The story captures the joy and excitement of a wedding day while the illustrations show the happy occasion from a child's point of view. 
Available: Major reviews: School Library Journal, Booklist, Publisher's Weekly

Frank and Hank Get Hitched

Frank and Hank get hitched 
by R A Carpenter 
Language: English 
[U.S.?] : R.A. Carpenter, ©2008. 
[42] p. : col. ill. ; 20 x 25 cm. 
Summary: A girl's Uncle Frank falls in love with Hank, and they go to Canada to get married. The girl gets to be the flower girl.