Olívia tem dois papais
by Márcia Leite
illus. by Taline Schubach
Language: Portuguese
Companhia das Letrinhas, 2010.
48 p. : col. ill. ; 21 x 15 cm.
ISBN: 8574064114 ; 9788574064116
Summary: Olívia é uma menina esperta, que sabe bem o que quer e tem plena noção de como usar algumas palavras para conseguir o que deseja. Quando tem de ficar sozinha enquanto os pais trabalham, ela diz que está muito "entediada". Como não gosta de ver a filha "entediada", papai Raul para imediatamente de trabalhar e, quando percebe, já está deitado no chão ao lado dela, brincando de filhinho e mamãe, ou cercado por um monte de bonecas.
Para chamar a atenção de seu pai Luís, Olívia fala que está "desfalecendo", afinal de contas, desfalecer de fome é uma coisa muito séria, e Luís é o melhor cozinheiro da família.
"Intrigante" é outra palavra de que Olívia gosta muito, isso porque todas as coisas do mundo são muito intrigantes para ela. Olívia quer saber, por exemplo, como seu papai Raul sabe brincar de boneca e seu papai Luís cozinha tão bem. Quer saber também como vai aprender a usar maquiagem e sapatos de salto alto, se na casa dela não mora nenhuma mulher.
A família da Olívia é um pouco diferente, e totalmente "encantadora", outra palavra que ela adora usar.
Available: http://www.livrariacultura.com.br/scripts/resenha/resenha.asp?nitem=22119847
Picture books for children about the experience of knowing or having a gay parent, family member, or friend, as well as books for gender nonconforming kids.
- Home
- Lesbian mothers
- Gay fathers
- Trans People
- Aunts and Uncles
- Gay Grandparents
- Alternative Family Building
- Gay Marriage
- Family Diversity
- Mixed Race Families
- Gender Nonconformity
- Books About Being Different
- AIDS (Disease)
- Notable Gays and Lesbians
- Bullying
- Cross-Dressing
- Tomboys
- Gay Pride
- Homophobia
- Books in Other Languages
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Eu tenho duas mães
Eu tenho duas mães
by Márcio Martelli
illus. by Tiago Ramos
Language: Portuguese
24 p. : col. ill. ; 21 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 8578990471 ; 9788578990473
Summary: Conta a história de um garoto que foi criado com muito amor e carinho sob os cuidados de duas mães. O menino nos convence, através dos relatos do dia a dia, fazer parte de uma família típica nos dias de hoje, feliz, e finda: e quero bis. O autor deixa o tema central de sua obra bem aberta para diversas interpretações.
Available: http://inhousestore.com.br/infanto-juvenil/eu-tenho-duas-maes.html
by Márcio Martelli
illus. by Tiago Ramos
Language: Portuguese
24 p. : col. ill. ; 21 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 8578990471 ; 9788578990473
Summary: Conta a história de um garoto que foi criado com muito amor e carinho sob os cuidados de duas mães. O menino nos convence, através dos relatos do dia a dia, fazer parte de uma família típica nos dias de hoje, feliz, e finda: e quero bis. O autor deixa o tema central de sua obra bem aberta para diversas interpretações.
Available: http://inhousestore.com.br/infanto-juvenil/eu-tenho-duas-maes.html
lesbian mothers,
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Teodorico e as Mães Cegonhas
Teodorico e as Mães Cegonhas
by Ana Zanatti
illus. by Storytailors
Language: Portuguese
Summary: A Cegonha Branca e a Cegonha Rosa eram muito, muito amigas. Certo dia, ao sobrevoarem a cidade, encontraram um bebé abandonado. Generosas e protectoras como são as cegonhas, nem pensaram duas vezes: levaram o menino para o seu ninho. Viviam felizes os três, num ninho muito confortável no ramo mais alto da Árvore dos Sorrisos e tinham amigos espalhados pelo mundo graças às viagens que faziam todos os anos na época das migrações. Mas um dia, ao regressarem à floresta onde habitavam, aconteceu uma desgraça terrível e o Teodorico assim fora baptizado o menino foi separado das suas mães adoptivas. Esperavam-no dias muito difíceis, mas uma esperança pequenina veio espreitar-lhe à janela. Vem também espreitar esta história emocionante que te vai fazer voar muito alto.
Available: http://www.fnac.pt/Teodorico-e-as-Maes-Cegonhas-Ana-Zanatti/a519361
by Ana Zanatti
illus. by Storytailors
Language: Portuguese
Summary: A Cegonha Branca e a Cegonha Rosa eram muito, muito amigas. Certo dia, ao sobrevoarem a cidade, encontraram um bebé abandonado. Generosas e protectoras como são as cegonhas, nem pensaram duas vezes: levaram o menino para o seu ninho. Viviam felizes os três, num ninho muito confortável no ramo mais alto da Árvore dos Sorrisos e tinham amigos espalhados pelo mundo graças às viagens que faziam todos os anos na época das migrações. Mas um dia, ao regressarem à floresta onde habitavam, aconteceu uma desgraça terrível e o Teodorico assim fora baptizado o menino foi separado das suas mães adoptivas. Esperavam-no dias muito difíceis, mas uma esperança pequenina veio espreitar-lhe à janela. Vem também espreitar esta história emocionante que te vai fazer voar muito alto.
Available: http://www.fnac.pt/Teodorico-e-as-Maes-Cegonhas-Ana-Zanatti/a519361
lesbian mothers,
Nicolás tiene dos papás
Nicolás tiene dos papás
by Leslie Nicholls and Ramón Gómez
illus. by Roberto Armijo
Language: Spanish
Santiago de Chile : MOVILH, 2014.
12 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
Available online: http://issuu.com/movilh/docs/nicolas_tiene_dos_pap__s/3?e=0/9876622
by Leslie Nicholls and Ramón Gómez
illus. by Roberto Armijo
Language: Spanish
Santiago de Chile : MOVILH, 2014.
12 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
Available online: http://issuu.com/movilh/docs/nicolas_tiene_dos_pap__s/3?e=0/9876622
gay fathers,
Monday, October 27, 2014
Os Vestidos do Tiago
Os Vestidos do Tiago
written and illus. by Joana Estrela
Language: Portuguese
Joana Estrela, 2014.
Summary: Story about a boy who likes to wear dresses.
Available: https://www.behance.net/gallery/17980825/Os-Vestidos-do-Tiago
written and illus. by Joana Estrela
Language: Portuguese
Joana Estrela, 2014.
Summary: Story about a boy who likes to wear dresses.
Available: https://www.behance.net/gallery/17980825/Os-Vestidos-do-Tiago
gender nonconformity,
Enquanto o meu cabelo crescia
Enquanto o meu cabelo crescia
by Isabel Minhós Martins
illus. by Madalena Matoso
Language: Portuguese
Carcavelos : Planeta Tangerina, 2010.
1 vol. (non paginé) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 29 x 23 cm + CD.
ISBN: 9789898145277 9898145277
Available: http://www.planetatangerina.com/pt/livros/enquanto-o-meu-cabelo-crescia
by Isabel Minhós Martins
illus. by Madalena Matoso
Language: Portuguese
Carcavelos : Planeta Tangerina, 2010.
1 vol. (non paginé) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 29 x 23 cm + CD.
ISBN: 9789898145277 9898145277
Available: http://www.planetatangerina.com/pt/livros/enquanto-o-meu-cabelo-crescia
O livro do Pedro (Maria dos 7 aos 8)
O livro do Pedro (Maria dos 7 aos 8)
by Manuela Bacelar
Language: Portuguese
Porto : Ed. Afrontamento, 2008.
34 p. : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 26 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9789723609387 ; 972360938X
Summary: Maria, que traz um filho dentro da barriga, conta à sua filha a história da sua infância. Uma história simples, de uma criança feliz. O que torna esta história especial é o facto de Maria ter dois pais: O Pedro e o Paulo. Este livro não pretende ser um panfleto. Pretende, ao invés, contribuir para que do imaginário infantil faça parte a diversidade dos modos de amar. E, nesse sentido, este é um livro pioneiro em Portugal. Pela primeira vez, a edição nacional de literatura para a infância contempla a diversidade das formas de parentalidade. E fá-lo sem falsos moralismos.
Available: http://www.wook.pt/ficha/o-livro-do-pedro/a/id/201297
by Manuela Bacelar
Language: Portuguese
Porto : Ed. Afrontamento, 2008.
34 p. : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 26 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9789723609387 ; 972360938X
Summary: Maria, que traz um filho dentro da barriga, conta à sua filha a história da sua infância. Uma história simples, de uma criança feliz. O que torna esta história especial é o facto de Maria ter dois pais: O Pedro e o Paulo. Este livro não pretende ser um panfleto. Pretende, ao invés, contribuir para que do imaginário infantil faça parte a diversidade dos modos de amar. E, nesse sentido, este é um livro pioneiro em Portugal. Pela primeira vez, a edição nacional de literatura para a infância contempla a diversidade das formas de parentalidade. E fá-lo sem falsos moralismos.
Available: http://www.wook.pt/ficha/o-livro-do-pedro/a/id/201297
gay fathers,
Saturday, October 25, 2014
In Celebration of Harvey Milk
In Celebration of Harvey Milk
by Angela F. Luna
Language: English
AuthorHouse, 2011.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781456722739
Summary: In Celebration of Harvey Milk offers educators materials to teach about Harvey Milk in a way that honors his memory and his important contributions to our society while providing support and instructional materials that cultivate compassion and understanding for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in our communities.
Available: http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000428946/In-Celebration-of-Harvey-Milk.aspx
by Angela F. Luna
Language: English
AuthorHouse, 2011.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781456722739
Summary: In Celebration of Harvey Milk offers educators materials to teach about Harvey Milk in a way that honors his memory and his important contributions to our society while providing support and instructional materials that cultivate compassion and understanding for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in our communities.
Available: http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000428946/In-Celebration-of-Harvey-Milk.aspx
famous gays and lesbians,
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Prinzessin Pfiffigunde
Prinzessin Pfiffigunde
written and illus. by Babette Cole
Language: German
Hamburg : Carlsen, 2005.
[32 S.] : überw. ill. ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 3551516537 9783551516534
Summary: Alle Welt erwartet, dass eine Märchenprinzessin den Märchenprinzen heiratet. Doch Prinzessin Pfiffigunde hat überhaupt keine Lust zum Heiraten. Um sich der lästigen Bewerber um ihre Hand zu erwehren, greift sie zu einem bewährten Mittel: Sie stellt ihnen knifflige Aufgaben. Doch die allerkniffligste Aufgabe muss sie schließlich selbst lösen ...
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Prinzessin-Pfiffigunde-Babette-Cole/dp/3551516537/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=1JM5SS5KQMESD555TNNQ
written and illus. by Babette Cole
Language: German
Hamburg : Carlsen, 2005.
[32 S.] : überw. ill. ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 3551516537 9783551516534
Summary: Alle Welt erwartet, dass eine Märchenprinzessin den Märchenprinzen heiratet. Doch Prinzessin Pfiffigunde hat überhaupt keine Lust zum Heiraten. Um sich der lästigen Bewerber um ihre Hand zu erwehren, greift sie zu einem bewährten Mittel: Sie stellt ihnen knifflige Aufgaben. Doch die allerkniffligste Aufgabe muss sie schließlich selbst lösen ...
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Prinzessin-Pfiffigunde-Babette-Cole/dp/3551516537/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=1JM5SS5KQMESD555TNNQ
gender nonconformity,
Prinzessin Horst
Prinzessin Horst
written and illus. by Oliver Wenniges
Language: German
Hamburg : Carlsen, 2007.
32 S : Ill.
ISBN: 9783551681539 3551681538
Summary: König Helmut hat sich einen Prinzen gewünscht, bekommt aber eine Prinzessin. Weil das nicht in seinen Plan passt, gibt er der Tochter einfach den Namen „Horst“! Eine Prinzessin mit dem Namen Horst? Alle Untertanen sind begeistert, ein neuer Trend ist geboren…
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Prinzessin-Horst-Band/dp/3551681538/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_20?ie=UTF8&refRID=0163P599RJM3EA4C0KXN
written and illus. by Oliver Wenniges
Language: German
Hamburg : Carlsen, 2007.
32 S : Ill.
ISBN: 9783551681539 3551681538
Summary: König Helmut hat sich einen Prinzen gewünscht, bekommt aber eine Prinzessin. Weil das nicht in seinen Plan passt, gibt er der Tochter einfach den Namen „Horst“! Eine Prinzessin mit dem Namen Horst? Alle Untertanen sind begeistert, ein neuer Trend ist geboren…
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Prinzessin-Horst-Band/dp/3551681538/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_20?ie=UTF8&refRID=0163P599RJM3EA4C0KXN
gender nonconformity,
Paul und die Puppen
Paul und die Puppen
by Pija Lindenbaum
Language: German
Weinheim Basel Beltz & Gelberg 2008.
[32] S. überw. Ill. 27 cm, 380 gr.
ISBN: 9783407793737 ; 3407793731
Summary: Mehr als Fussball: Der kleine Paul ist ein richtiger Junge, der gut Fussball spielt und mitmacht beim Ringen und Kämpfen. Doch als er in den Kindergarten kommt, interessiert er sich mehr für die Spiele der Mädchen. Mit Hilfe einer Barbie-Puppe und viel Geduld schafft es Paul, mit den Mädchen in Kontakt zu kommen. Sie lassen ihn endlich mitmachen bei ihren fantasievollen Rollenspielen. Als die anderen Jungen Paul wieder raus holen wollen, ergibt sich eine unerwartete Wendung. Zuletzt wird erneut Fussball gespielt, doch diesmal spielen alle mit. Die Geschichte ist einfühlsam und knapp entlang des Geschehens erzählt. Der Text gibt Informationen und zeichnet Dialoge auf. Geschlechtsbedingte Rollenzuschreibungen werden auf diese Weise kommentarlos gezeigt. Die farbigen Illustrationen stehen im Zentrum, ergänzen und erweitern die Geschichte, erzählen aber auch Unausgesprochenes. Pauls Gesichtsausdruck beispielsweise ist jeweils deutlich gezeichnet, doch die emotionale Wirkung bleibt offen. Ab Kindergartenalter ist das Buch zum Erzählen und Immer - Wieder - Anschauen sehr zu empfehlen.
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Paul-die-Puppen-Vierfarbiges-Bilderbuch/dp/3407793731/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=12J3P9GVXT789MRHH2VQ
by Pija Lindenbaum
Language: German
Weinheim Basel Beltz & Gelberg 2008.
[32] S. überw. Ill. 27 cm, 380 gr.
ISBN: 9783407793737 ; 3407793731
Summary: Mehr als Fussball: Der kleine Paul ist ein richtiger Junge, der gut Fussball spielt und mitmacht beim Ringen und Kämpfen. Doch als er in den Kindergarten kommt, interessiert er sich mehr für die Spiele der Mädchen. Mit Hilfe einer Barbie-Puppe und viel Geduld schafft es Paul, mit den Mädchen in Kontakt zu kommen. Sie lassen ihn endlich mitmachen bei ihren fantasievollen Rollenspielen. Als die anderen Jungen Paul wieder raus holen wollen, ergibt sich eine unerwartete Wendung. Zuletzt wird erneut Fussball gespielt, doch diesmal spielen alle mit. Die Geschichte ist einfühlsam und knapp entlang des Geschehens erzählt. Der Text gibt Informationen und zeichnet Dialoge auf. Geschlechtsbedingte Rollenzuschreibungen werden auf diese Weise kommentarlos gezeigt. Die farbigen Illustrationen stehen im Zentrum, ergänzen und erweitern die Geschichte, erzählen aber auch Unausgesprochenes. Pauls Gesichtsausdruck beispielsweise ist jeweils deutlich gezeichnet, doch die emotionale Wirkung bleibt offen. Ab Kindergartenalter ist das Buch zum Erzählen und Immer - Wieder - Anschauen sehr zu empfehlen.
Available: http://www.amazon.de/Paul-die-Puppen-Vierfarbiges-Bilderbuch/dp/3407793731/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=12J3P9GVXT789MRHH2VQ
gender nonconformity,
Le petit garçon qui aimait le rose
Le petit garçon qui aimait le rose
by Jeanne Taboni Misérazzi
ill. by Raphaëlle Barbanègre
Language: French
Vincennes : des Ronds dans l'O, impr. 2011.
1 vol. (non paginé [31] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9782917237243 ; 2917237244
Summary: Pour lutter contre les stéréotypes sexistes, notamment sur l'assignation des couleurs à un sexe ou l'autre. Par sous entendu, lutte aussi contre l'homophobie. Graphisme coloré et frais.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/petit-garcon-qui-aimait-rose/dp/2917237244/ref=pd_sim_b_11?ie=UTF8&refRID=0MYWZGX72GC7PPDXEZAB
by Jeanne Taboni Misérazzi
ill. by Raphaëlle Barbanègre
Language: French
Vincennes : des Ronds dans l'O, impr. 2011.
1 vol. (non paginé [31] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 9782917237243 ; 2917237244
Summary: Pour lutter contre les stéréotypes sexistes, notamment sur l'assignation des couleurs à un sexe ou l'autre. Par sous entendu, lutte aussi contre l'homophobie. Graphisme coloré et frais.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/petit-garcon-qui-aimait-rose/dp/2917237244/ref=pd_sim_b_11?ie=UTF8&refRID=0MYWZGX72GC7PPDXEZAB
anti-gay sentiment,
gender nonconformity
La princesse qui n'aimait pas les princes
La princesse qui n'aimait pas les princes
by Alice Brière-Haquet
illus. by Lionel Larchevêque
Language: French
Arles : Actes Sud junior, impr. 2010.
1 vol. (38 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 18 cm.
ISBN: 9782742789450 ; 2742789456
Summary: Les princes de la Terre entière défilèrent un à un pour demander la main de la princesse. Aucun d'entre eux ne lui plaisait jusqu'à ce qu'une jolie fée apparaisse...
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/princesse-qui-naimait-pas-princes/dp/2330031653/ref=pd_sim_b_19?ie=UTF8&refRID=1XFY033GYAACP0CN6267
by Alice Brière-Haquet
illus. by Lionel Larchevêque
Language: French
Arles : Actes Sud junior, impr. 2010.
1 vol. (38 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 18 cm.
ISBN: 9782742789450 ; 2742789456
Summary: Les princes de la Terre entière défilèrent un à un pour demander la main de la princesse. Aucun d'entre eux ne lui plaisait jusqu'à ce qu'une jolie fée apparaisse...
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/princesse-qui-naimait-pas-princes/dp/2330031653/ref=pd_sim_b_19?ie=UTF8&refRID=1XFY033GYAACP0CN6267
gender nonconformity
Odd Jobs
Odd Jobs
by Francine Lauriano
illustrated by Erin Lynch
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
34 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1500874175 ; 9781500874179
Summary: Trevor wants new bike but his moms suggest he earn the money. Can he earn the money and will the bike still be there for him to buy? Trevor learns some valuable lessons and morals along the way.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4956456
by Francine Lauriano
illustrated by Erin Lynch
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
34 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1500874175 ; 9781500874179
Summary: Trevor wants new bike but his moms suggest he earn the money. Can he earn the money and will the bike still be there for him to buy? Trevor learns some valuable lessons and morals along the way.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4956456
lesbian mothers,
The drum dream girl
The drum dream girl
by Margarita Engle
illus. by Rafael López
Language: English
Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015.
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9780544102293 ; 0544102290
Summary: Illustrations and rhyming text follow a girl in the 1920s as she strives to become a drummer, despite being continually reminded that only boys play the drums, and that there has never been a female drummer in Cuba. Includes note about Millo Castro Zaldarriaga, who inspired the story, and Anacaona, the all-girl dance band she formed with her sisters.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Drum-Dream-Girl-Courage-Changed/dp/0544102290/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413709091&sr=1-1&keywords=The+drum+dream+girl+by+Margarita+Engle%3B
by Margarita Engle
illus. by Rafael López
Language: English
Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015.
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9780544102293 ; 0544102290
Summary: Illustrations and rhyming text follow a girl in the 1920s as she strives to become a drummer, despite being continually reminded that only boys play the drums, and that there has never been a female drummer in Cuba. Includes note about Millo Castro Zaldarriaga, who inspired the story, and Anacaona, the all-girl dance band she formed with her sisters.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Drum-Dream-Girl-Courage-Changed/dp/0544102290/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413709091&sr=1-1&keywords=The+drum+dream+girl+by+Margarita+Engle%3B
gender nonconformity,
Made by Raffi
Made by Raffi
by Craig Pomranz
illus. by Margaret Chamberlain
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2014.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781847804334 ; 1847804330
Summary: As a shy boy, Raffi is a loner and teased at school until one day he discovers knitting and decides to make a scarf for his father and a cape for the prince in the school play.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Made-Raffi-Craig-Pomranz/dp/1847804330
by Craig Pomranz
illus. by Margaret Chamberlain
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2014.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781847804334 ; 1847804330
Summary: As a shy boy, Raffi is a loner and teased at school until one day he discovers knitting and decides to make a scarf for his father and a cape for the prince in the school play.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Made-Raffi-Craig-Pomranz/dp/1847804330
gender nonconformity
Più ricche di un re
Più ricche di un re
by Cinzia Barbero
illus. by BUM
Language: Italian
Milano: Lo Stampatello, 2011.
[6] c. ill. 15x15 cm.
ISBN: 8890579919 ; 9788890579912
Summary: Emma è una bambina molto speciale, almeno questo pensano, come tutti i genitori del mondo, le sue due mamme. Un libro che, con la lievità di una filastrocca, racconta la felicità di essere al mondo.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo2.html
by Cinzia Barbero
illus. by BUM
Language: Italian
Milano: Lo Stampatello, 2011.
[6] c. ill. 15x15 cm.
ISBN: 8890579919 ; 9788890579912
Summary: Emma è una bambina molto speciale, almeno questo pensano, come tutti i genitori del mondo, le sue due mamme. Un libro che, con la lievità di una filastrocca, racconta la felicità di essere al mondo.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo2.html
lesbian mothers
Perché hai due papà?
Perché hai due papà?
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by A. Sanmartino and G. Torelli
Language: Italian
Milano : Lo Stampatello, 2014.
32 p. : col. ill. : cm.
ISBN: 8898312121 ; 9788898312122
Summary: La vera storia di una famiglia nata dall'amore di due uomini, con l'aiuto della gestazione di sostegno. Con parole semplici e lineari si spiega come nascono i bambini quando in famiglia nessuno può avere il pancione. Un racconto che aiuta a chiarirsi le idee, adulti e bambini. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo21.html
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by A. Sanmartino and G. Torelli
Language: Italian
Milano : Lo Stampatello, 2014.
32 p. : col. ill. : cm.
ISBN: 8898312121 ; 9788898312122
Summary: La vera storia di una famiglia nata dall'amore di due uomini, con l'aiuto della gestazione di sostegno. Con parole semplici e lineari si spiega come nascono i bambini quando in famiglia nessuno può avere il pancione. Un racconto che aiuta a chiarirsi le idee, adulti e bambini. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo21.html
gay fathers,
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Maman(s) d'amour
Maman(s) d'amour
by Josée Mass
illus. by Mother's bridge of love (Londres)
Language: French
[Paris] : Gautier-Languereau, DL 2008.
1 vol. (non paginé [30] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9782013914444 ; 201391444X
Summary: Il était une fois deux femmes qui ne s'étaient jamais rencontrées. La première t'a donné la vie. La seconde t'a appris à la vivre. La première a fait naître en toi un besoin d'amour. La seconde était là pour la combler. Deux mamans d'amour qui ont fait de toi leur fille.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Maman-s-damour-Fran%C3%A7oise-Rose/dp/201391444X/ref=pd_sim_b_9?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SJP40X51MF6S10HJWDE
by Josée Mass
illus. by Mother's bridge of love (Londres)
Language: French
[Paris] : Gautier-Languereau, DL 2008.
1 vol. (non paginé [30] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9782013914444 ; 201391444X
Summary: Il était une fois deux femmes qui ne s'étaient jamais rencontrées. La première t'a donné la vie. La seconde t'a appris à la vivre. La première a fait naître en toi un besoin d'amour. La seconde était là pour la combler. Deux mamans d'amour qui ont fait de toi leur fille.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Maman-s-damour-Fran%C3%A7oise-Rose/dp/201391444X/ref=pd_sim_b_9?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SJP40X51MF6S10HJWDE
lesbian mothers
Drôles de familles!
Drôles de familles!
by Anaïs Valente
illus. by Ariane Delrieu
Language: French
Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme) : Tournez la page, DL 2013.
1 vol. (non paginé) : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9782364730489 ; 2364730481
Summary: Des familles, il y en a de toutes les sortes : un papa et une maman et leurs enfants ; deux papas et leurs enfants ; des parents qui n’ont pas forcément la même couleur de peau que leurs enfants ; deux mamans et leurs enfants ; une maman ou un papa qui s’occupe seul de ses enfants ; un papa et une maman de couleurs différentes, qui ont des enfants d’une autre couleur ; des enfants séparés de leurs parents...C’est un peu comme les maisons : elles sont toutes différentes, mais l’essentiel, c’est que les gens qui les forment soient heureux!
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Dr%C3%B4les-familles-Ana%C3%AFs-Valente/dp/2364730481/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=13NK07NVKWK4HPVC5296
by Anaïs Valente
illus. by Ariane Delrieu
Language: French
Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme) : Tournez la page, DL 2013.
1 vol. (non paginé) : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9782364730489 ; 2364730481
Summary: Des familles, il y en a de toutes les sortes : un papa et une maman et leurs enfants ; deux papas et leurs enfants ; des parents qui n’ont pas forcément la même couleur de peau que leurs enfants ; deux mamans et leurs enfants ; une maman ou un papa qui s’occupe seul de ses enfants ; un papa et une maman de couleurs différentes, qui ont des enfants d’une autre couleur ; des enfants séparés de leurs parents...C’est un peu comme les maisons : elles sont toutes différentes, mais l’essentiel, c’est que les gens qui les forment soient heureux!
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Dr%C3%B4les-familles-Ana%C3%AFs-Valente/dp/2364730481/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=13NK07NVKWK4HPVC5296
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
Mixed Race Families
Mes deux papas
Mes deux papas
by Juliette Parachini-Deny
illus. by Marjorie Béal
Language: French
Vincennes : des Ronds dans l'O jeunesse, impr. 2013.
1 vol. (non paginé [24] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9782917237564 ; 2917237562
Summary: Alors que deux papas aimeraient beaucoup avoir un enfant, ils découvrent par hasard un oeuf abandonné. La rencontre les rend très heureux. Ils décident de l'adopter. Petit à petit les oiseaux construisent leur vie à trois. Un jour l'oisillon entre à l'école. Ses copains lui demandent pourquoi il a deux papas?
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Mes-deux-papas-Juliette-Parachini-deny/dp/2917237562/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413639775&sr=1-4&keywords=homosexualite
by Juliette Parachini-Deny
illus. by Marjorie Béal
Language: French
Vincennes : des Ronds dans l'O jeunesse, impr. 2013.
1 vol. (non paginé [24] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9782917237564 ; 2917237562
Summary: Alors que deux papas aimeraient beaucoup avoir un enfant, ils découvrent par hasard un oeuf abandonné. La rencontre les rend très heureux. Ils décident de l'adopter. Petit à petit les oiseaux construisent leur vie à trois. Un jour l'oisillon entre à l'école. Ses copains lui demandent pourquoi il a deux papas?
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/Mes-deux-papas-Juliette-Parachini-deny/dp/2917237562/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413639775&sr=1-4&keywords=homosexualite
gay fathers
Piccola storia di una famiglia: qual è il segreto di papà?
Piccola storia di una famiglia: qual è il segreto di papà?
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by Desideria Guicciardini
Language: Italian
[Milano] : Lo Stampatello, 2011.
[31 p.] : ill ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 9788890579936 ; 8890579935
Summary: Una favola simpatica e toccante, corredata da splendide illustrazioni, per spiegare ai bambini l'omosessualità, e in particolare l'omosessualità di un loro genitore.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo4.html
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by Desideria Guicciardini
Language: Italian
[Milano] : Lo Stampatello, 2011.
[31 p.] : ill ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 9788890579936 ; 8890579935
Summary: Una favola simpatica e toccante, corredata da splendide illustrazioni, per spiegare ai bambini l'omosessualità, e in particolare l'omosessualità di un loro genitore.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo4.html
gay fathers,
Piccola storia di una famiglia : perchè hai due mamme?
Piccola storia di una famiglia : perchè hai due mamme?
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by BUM
Language: Italian
[Milano] : Lo stampatello, 2011.
[6] c. ill. 15x15 cm.
ISBN: 9788890579905 ; 8890579900
Summary: Meri e Franci si amavano, proprio come un uomo e una donna, e volevano avere una famiglia... Con parole semplici e chiare si racconta come nasce una famiglia omogenitoriale, cosa significa procreazione assistita e come succede che un bambino abbia due mamme. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo1.html
by Francesca Pardi
illus. by BUM
Language: Italian
[Milano] : Lo stampatello, 2011.
[6] c. ill. 15x15 cm.
ISBN: 9788890579905 ; 8890579900
Summary: Meri e Franci si amavano, proprio come un uomo e una donna, e volevano avere una famiglia... Con parole semplici e chiare si racconta come nasce una famiglia omogenitoriale, cosa significa procreazione assistita e come succede che un bambino abbia due mamme. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo1.html
lesbian mothers
Piccolo uovo - Maschio o femmina?
Piccolo uovo - Maschio o femmina?
di Francesca Pardi
illustrazioni di Altan
Language: Italian
Milano : Lo Stampatello, 2013.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 8898312083 ; 9788898312085
Summary: Piccolo uovo continua ad indagare il mondo che lo aspetta. Questa volta si chiede se è maschio o femmina, ma l'essere l'uno o l'altra non si presenta come un limite per le tante attività che lo aspettano. Un libro aperto, che si propone di suggerire ai bambini la possibilità di avvicinarsi ad ogni attività che si sia maschi oppure femmine, superando i rigidi schemi dello stereotipo di genere.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo16.html
di Francesca Pardi
illustrazioni di Altan
Language: Italian
Milano : Lo Stampatello, 2013.
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 8898312083 ; 9788898312085
Summary: Piccolo uovo continua ad indagare il mondo che lo aspetta. Questa volta si chiede se è maschio o femmina, ma l'essere l'uno o l'altra non si presenta come un limite per le tante attività che lo aspettano. Un libro aperto, che si propone di suggerire ai bambini la possibilità di avvicinarsi ad ogni attività che si sia maschi oppure femmine, superando i rigidi schemi dello stereotipo di genere.
Available: http://www.lostampatello.com/catalogo16.html
gender nonconformity,
Ens agradem!
Ens agradem!
by Juanolo
Language: Catalan
València : Tàndem, cop. 2006.
[13] f. : principalment il. col. ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 8481315931 ; 9788481315936
Summary: Cuento infantil, en catalán, a favor de la no discriminación por orientación sexual ó física.
Available: http://www.agapea.com/libros/Ens-agradem--9788481315936-i.htm
by Juanolo
Language: Catalan
València : Tàndem, cop. 2006.
[13] f. : principalment il. col. ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 8481315931 ; 9788481315936
Summary: Cuento infantil, en catalán, a favor de la no discriminación por orientación sexual ó física.
Available: http://www.agapea.com/libros/Ens-agradem--9788481315936-i.htm
La princesse Nina
La princesse Nina
by Marlise Achterbergh
illus. by Iris Compiet
Language: French
Hasselt (Belgique) : Clavis, cop. 2014.
1 vol. (non paginé [24] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9789037490664 ; 9037490662
Summary: Un jour, le roi et la reine décident de chercher un prince qui convienne à leur fille, la princesse Nina. Ils invitent des princes du monde entier, mais personne ne parvient pas à voler le coeur de la princesse. Le roi et la reine ne savent plus que faire. C'est alors qu'arrive la princesse Melowo et, subitement, la princesse Nina devient terriblement timide. Un conte de fée moderne qui rompt les stéréotypes habituellement présents dans les livres pour enfants.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/princesse-Nina-Marlise-Achterbergh/dp/9037490662/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413636874&sr=1-1&keywords=La+princesse+Nina
by Marlise Achterbergh
illus. by Iris Compiet
Language: French
Hasselt (Belgique) : Clavis, cop. 2014.
1 vol. (non paginé [24] p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 9789037490664 ; 9037490662
Summary: Un jour, le roi et la reine décident de chercher un prince qui convienne à leur fille, la princesse Nina. Ils invitent des princes du monde entier, mais personne ne parvient pas à voler le coeur de la princesse. Le roi et la reine ne savent plus que faire. C'est alors qu'arrive la princesse Melowo et, subitement, la princesse Nina devient terriblement timide. Un conte de fée moderne qui rompt les stéréotypes habituellement présents dans les livres pour enfants.
Available: http://www.amazon.fr/princesse-Nina-Marlise-Achterbergh/dp/9037490662/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413636874&sr=1-1&keywords=La+princesse+Nina
gender nonconformity,
The Road To Forever : A Dog's Tale
The Road To Forever : A Dog's Tale
by Joe Genova with J. Jay Sullivan
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
38 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1457997517 ; 9781457997518
Summary: The Road to Forever is the tale of a lost puppy in search of a forever home which he finds when he's adopted by his two dads. The book is lavishly illustrated with full color pictures by the author.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4841786
by Joe Genova with J. Jay Sullivan
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
38 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1457997517 ; 9781457997518
Summary: The Road to Forever is the tale of a lost puppy in search of a forever home which he finds when he's adopted by his two dads. The book is lavishly illustrated with full color pictures by the author.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4841786
gay fathers,
same-sex relationships,
Bailey And Her Two Dads
Bailey And Her Two Dads
by Troy Smith-Voelker and Heiko Voelker
illus. by Paul Philip Hernandez
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1478338776 ; 9781478338772
Summary: A book about love and a cute little dog. The story of Bailey, an Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and her trip from the United States to Germany. This book gently talks about the love for a dog and the love between two men, showing children how nice it is to just love who you have fallen in love with, regardless of gender, origin or color of the fur.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3952544
by Troy Smith-Voelker and Heiko Voelker
illus. by Paul Philip Hernandez
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2012.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1478338776 ; 9781478338772
Summary: A book about love and a cute little dog. The story of Bailey, an Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and her trip from the United States to Germany. This book gently talks about the love for a dog and the love between two men, showing children how nice it is to just love who you have fallen in love with, regardless of gender, origin or color of the fur.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/3952544
gay fathers,
same-sex relationships,
Hey Friends, I have two dads
Hey Friends, I have two dads
written and illus. by RCV
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
26 p. : cm.
ISBN: 1499328559 ; 9781499328554
Summary: "My friends, I have two dads" is children's story about a boy named Jonathan who realizes that his family is no different than you typical mom and dad family. The story takes place in small town America. It reflects the changing dynamics of the stereotypical American family and it brings what is happening now to a children's story that teaches character and forgiveness. Jonathan's two dads Paul and Sam are your typical loving and caring parents whom love him very much. They raise him to be true to him-self and they teach him that just because you have two dads you are not different than if you had a mom and dad family.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4787912
written and illus. by RCV
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
26 p. : cm.
ISBN: 1499328559 ; 9781499328554
Summary: "My friends, I have two dads" is children's story about a boy named Jonathan who realizes that his family is no different than you typical mom and dad family. The story takes place in small town America. It reflects the changing dynamics of the stereotypical American family and it brings what is happening now to a children's story that teaches character and forgiveness. Jonathan's two dads Paul and Sam are your typical loving and caring parents whom love him very much. They raise him to be true to him-self and they teach him that just because you have two dads you are not different than if you had a mom and dad family.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4787912
gay fathers,
Adopting our two Dads : a story about the Leffew family
Adopting our two Dads : a story about the Leffew family
written and illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149606268X ; 9781496062680
Summary: This third book from the Some Families series is based on the true story of the Leffew family, daddy Brian, daddy Jay, Daniel and Selena. We follow them through the story of their adoption and learn how this family was formed. An increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples are having children through surrogacy, co-parenting, donor and adoption. The Some Families books have been written to show that families come in many different combinations. Every child deserves a book that reflects their lives. Adopting our two Dads also aims to help children from all backgrounds understand more about families with same-gender parents.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4688061
written and illus. by Luca Panzini
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149606268X ; 9781496062680
Summary: This third book from the Some Families series is based on the true story of the Leffew family, daddy Brian, daddy Jay, Daniel and Selena. We follow them through the story of their adoption and learn how this family was formed. An increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples are having children through surrogacy, co-parenting, donor and adoption. The Some Families books have been written to show that families come in many different combinations. Every child deserves a book that reflects their lives. Adopting our two Dads also aims to help children from all backgrounds understand more about families with same-gender parents.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4688061
gay fathers
Billy Two Dads and The Great Christmas Turkey Mystery
Billy Two Dads and The Great Christmas Turkey Mystery
written and illus. by Joe Ralph
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1497573076 ; 9781497573079
Summary: Billy was an ordinary boy living in an ordinary town. He went to an ordinary school. Billy had a secret; a secret that made him special however, very special indeed. Billy had two dads. When he grows up, Billy wants to be a detective, this story is about one of Billy's many mysteries.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4749896
written and illus. by Joe Ralph
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1497573076 ; 9781497573079
Summary: Billy was an ordinary boy living in an ordinary town. He went to an ordinary school. Billy had a secret; a secret that made him special however, very special indeed. Billy had two dads. When he grows up, Billy wants to be a detective, this story is about one of Billy's many mysteries.
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4749896
gay fathers,
I Have Two Dads: Different Types of Families
I Have Two Dads: Different Types of Families
by Madeleine Gasperi
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149952269X ; 9781499522693
Summary: Follow the story of Matt and his dad Mark as different types of families are explained. The underlying message is a family is a family. Teaching tolerance and acceptance of diversity has never been so much fun! Matt learns all about different families. Whether it is a same-sex family or a single mom Mark and Matt love them all!
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4802162
by Madeleine Gasperi
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 149952269X ; 9781499522693
Summary: Follow the story of Matt and his dad Mark as different types of families are explained. The underlying message is a family is a family. Teaching tolerance and acceptance of diversity has never been so much fun! Matt learns all about different families. Whether it is a same-sex family or a single mom Mark and Matt love them all!
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4802162
Freedom for us all
Freedom for us all
written by Clifford L. Greenberg, Esq.
illus. by Joanna (Jojo) Greenberg
Language: English
Trafford, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781490711799
Summary: As the Supreme Court is deciding whether to recognize same sex marriage in our country, my book echoes the question posed by Justice Anthony Kennedy; "In thinking about the impact of this decision on children, they want their parents to have fully recognized and legal status. The voice of these children is considerable in this case, don't you think?" Yes, Justice Kennedy, I do. It is from the voices of our children that a wise and just decision should flow. Equal is equal. Right is right. Love is love. Period. End of story. Beginning of a new story; the day of Freedom For Us All.
Available: http://bookstore.trafford.com/Products/SKU-000681093/Freedom-for-Us-All.aspx
written by Clifford L. Greenberg, Esq.
illus. by Joanna (Jojo) Greenberg
Language: English
Trafford, 2013.
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781490711799
Summary: As the Supreme Court is deciding whether to recognize same sex marriage in our country, my book echoes the question posed by Justice Anthony Kennedy; "In thinking about the impact of this decision on children, they want their parents to have fully recognized and legal status. The voice of these children is considerable in this case, don't you think?" Yes, Justice Kennedy, I do. It is from the voices of our children that a wise and just decision should flow. Equal is equal. Right is right. Love is love. Period. End of story. Beginning of a new story; the day of Freedom For Us All.
Available: http://bookstore.trafford.com/Products/SKU-000681093/Freedom-for-Us-All.aspx
gay fathers,
gay marriage,
Every Family is Different : Every Family is the Same
Every Family is Different : Every Family is the Same
by Poppy Archer
Language: English
Lulu, 2013.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781291643480
Summary: This is a gorgeous picture book for young children that looks at different types of families, including same-sex parents, foster families and mixed race families, amongst others. It looks at the uniqueness of each family, while also drawing together the similarities they share.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/poppy-archer/every-family-is-different-every-family-is-the-same/paperback/product-21328156.html
by Poppy Archer
Language: English
Lulu, 2013.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781291643480
Summary: This is a gorgeous picture book for young children that looks at different types of families, including same-sex parents, foster families and mixed race families, amongst others. It looks at the uniqueness of each family, while also drawing together the similarities they share.
Available: http://www.lulu.com/shop/poppy-archer/every-family-is-different-every-family-is-the-same/paperback/product-21328156.html
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
Mixed Race Families,
Wolfie & Freddie: The New Puppy
Wolfie & Freddie: The New Puppy
by Jennifer Dumin
Language: English
Xlibris, 2006.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781425706807
Summary: When Daisy and Violet bring Freddie home, Wolfie finds out that having a little brother is different than she had imagined. She's not sure what to make of him. Wolfie & Freddie: The New Puppy is a new children’s book for parents who want to teach their young children to value all families. This story may be of particular interest to two-mom families, families with adopted children, and families that include German Shepherd or Great Pyrenees dogs.
Available: http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0032757017/Wolfie--Freddie-The-New-Puppy.aspx
by Jennifer Dumin
Language: English
Xlibris, 2006.
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781425706807
Summary: When Daisy and Violet bring Freddie home, Wolfie finds out that having a little brother is different than she had imagined. She's not sure what to make of him. Wolfie & Freddie: The New Puppy is a new children’s book for parents who want to teach their young children to value all families. This story may be of particular interest to two-mom families, families with adopted children, and families that include German Shepherd or Great Pyrenees dogs.
Available: http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0032757017/Wolfie--Freddie-The-New-Puppy.aspx
Welcome to the family
Welcome to the family
by Mary Hoffman
illustrated by Ros Asquith
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2014.
32 p. cm.
ISBN: 9781847804617; 1847804616
Summary: This book takes one element of The Great Big Book of Families – the arrival of new members into a family – and explores all the different ways a baby or child can become part of a family. The book includes natural birth within a nuclear family, adoption, fostering, same sex families and many other aspects of bringing babies or children into a family. The approach will follow the Great Big Book series, with twelve double spreads each exploring one theme, and including lots of humour, jokes and fun along the way. This is a unique information book, with an important and positive message – every family is different and every family is equally valid and special, no matter how or when the children arrive.
Available: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Welcome-Family-Mary-Hoffman/dp/1847804616/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413623218&sr=1-1&keywords=welcome+to+the+family+hoffman
by Mary Hoffman
illustrated by Ros Asquith
Language: English
London : Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2014.
32 p. cm.
ISBN: 9781847804617; 1847804616
Summary: This book takes one element of The Great Big Book of Families – the arrival of new members into a family – and explores all the different ways a baby or child can become part of a family. The book includes natural birth within a nuclear family, adoption, fostering, same sex families and many other aspects of bringing babies or children into a family. The approach will follow the Great Big Book series, with twelve double spreads each exploring one theme, and including lots of humour, jokes and fun along the way. This is a unique information book, with an important and positive message – every family is different and every family is equally valid and special, no matter how or when the children arrive.
Available: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Welcome-Family-Mary-Hoffman/dp/1847804616/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413623218&sr=1-1&keywords=welcome+to+the+family+hoffman
gay fathers,
lesbian mothers,
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Che forza papà!
Che forza papà!
by Isabella Paglia
illus. by Francesca Cavallaro
Language: Italian
Casalecchio di Reno (BO) : Fatatrac, 2013.
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9788882223014 ; 8882223019
Summary: L'autrice e l'illustratrice di "Di mamma ce n'è una sola" ci portano questa volta ad esplorare il mondo dei papà... Chi sono? Quanti possono essere? Da che cosa si riconoscono? Alcuni bambini raccontando ognuno la propria esperienza, arrivano a riflettere sul fatto che la parola "papà" può riferirsi a situazioni diverse: è possibile avere un papà naturale, un papà "adottato", un papà single e talvolta se ne possono avere due. Mario il Temerario e gli altri vivaci bambini di questo albo ci conducono ad affrontare il tema della paternità con dolcezza e sensibilità. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Available: http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/8882223019/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_2/276-5507206-5647252?pf_rd_m=A11IL2PNWYJU7H&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe&pf_rd_r=0HZ7QAACBZGA1ZEBQMFB&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=479290827&pf_rd_i=8882222764
by Isabella Paglia
illus. by Francesca Cavallaro
Language: Italian
Casalecchio di Reno (BO) : Fatatrac, 2013.
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 9788882223014 ; 8882223019
Summary: L'autrice e l'illustratrice di "Di mamma ce n'è una sola" ci portano questa volta ad esplorare il mondo dei papà... Chi sono? Quanti possono essere? Da che cosa si riconoscono? Alcuni bambini raccontando ognuno la propria esperienza, arrivano a riflettere sul fatto che la parola "papà" può riferirsi a situazioni diverse: è possibile avere un papà naturale, un papà "adottato", un papà single e talvolta se ne possono avere due. Mario il Temerario e gli altri vivaci bambini di questo albo ci conducono ad affrontare il tema della paternità con dolcezza e sensibilità. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Available: http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/8882223019/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_2/276-5507206-5647252?pf_rd_m=A11IL2PNWYJU7H&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe&pf_rd_r=0HZ7QAACBZGA1ZEBQMFB&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=479290827&pf_rd_i=8882222764
gay fathers,
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Christmas truck
The Christmas truck
by J. B. Blankenship
illus. by Cassandre Bolan
Language: English
Chicago ; NarraGarden, LLC : 2014.
[40] p. ; ill., col. : 22 cm.
ISBN: 9780990743408 ; 0990743403
Summary: When celebrating a special Christmas tradition things go awry. Papa, Dad, their amazing kid, and one fabulous grandmother work together and implement a plan to save Christmas for a child they have never met. It's a story where joy is found in giving and selfless acts unite families.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Truck-J-B-Blankenship/dp/0990743403/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413100954&sr=1-1&keywords=christmas+truck
by J. B. Blankenship
illus. by Cassandre Bolan
Language: English
Chicago ; NarraGarden, LLC : 2014.
[40] p. ; ill., col. : 22 cm.
ISBN: 9780990743408 ; 0990743403
Summary: When celebrating a special Christmas tradition things go awry. Papa, Dad, their amazing kid, and one fabulous grandmother work together and implement a plan to save Christmas for a child they have never met. It's a story where joy is found in giving and selfless acts unite families.
Available: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Truck-J-B-Blankenship/dp/0990743403/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413100954&sr=1-1&keywords=christmas+truck
gay fathers,
Hugs of three : my mommies and me
Hugs of three : my mommies and me
by Stacey Bromberg and Joe Taravella
illus. by Jessica Warrick
Language: English
United States : Forward Footsteps, [2012] ©2012.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illlustrations ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 9780988190214 ; 0988190214
Summary: "With a focus on infant and toddler development, authors Dr. Stacey Bromberg and Dr. Joe Taravella guide their readers toward a respect for all families in Hugs of Three: My Mommies and Me. From the first line, "My family is so special" to the conclusion, this story acknowledges the importance of a loving connection between children and their parents"--Page [4] of cover.
Available: http://www.forwardfootsteps.com/Hugs-of-Three-My-Mommies-and-Me-90214.htm
by Stacey Bromberg and Joe Taravella
illus. by Jessica Warrick
Language: English
United States : Forward Footsteps, [2012] ©2012.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illlustrations ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 9780988190214 ; 0988190214
Summary: "With a focus on infant and toddler development, authors Dr. Stacey Bromberg and Dr. Joe Taravella guide their readers toward a respect for all families in Hugs of Three: My Mommies and Me. From the first line, "My family is so special" to the conclusion, this story acknowledges the importance of a loving connection between children and their parents"--Page [4] of cover.
Available: http://www.forwardfootsteps.com/Hugs-of-Three-My-Mommies-and-Me-90214.htm
lesbian mothers,
Hugs of three : my daddies and me
Hugs of three : my daddies and me
by Stacey Bromberg and Joe Taravella
illus. by Jessica Warrick
Language: English
United States : Forward Footsteps, [2012] ©2012.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illlustrations ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 9780988190207 ; 0988190206
Summary: "With a focus on infant and toddler development, authors Dr. Stacey Bromberg and Dr. Joe Taravella guide their readers toward a respect for all families in Hugs of Three: My Daddies and Me. From the first line, "My family is so special" to the conclusion, this story acknowledges the importance of a loving connection between children and their parents"--Page [4] of cover.
Available: http://www.forwardfootsteps.com/Hugs-of-Three-My-Daddies-and-Me-90207.htm
by Stacey Bromberg and Joe Taravella
illus. by Jessica Warrick
Language: English
United States : Forward Footsteps, [2012] ©2012.
1 volume (unpaged) : color illlustrations ; 16 cm.
ISBN: 9780988190207 ; 0988190206
Summary: "With a focus on infant and toddler development, authors Dr. Stacey Bromberg and Dr. Joe Taravella guide their readers toward a respect for all families in Hugs of Three: My Daddies and Me. From the first line, "My family is so special" to the conclusion, this story acknowledges the importance of a loving connection between children and their parents"--Page [4] of cover.
Available: http://www.forwardfootsteps.com/Hugs-of-Three-My-Daddies-and-Me-90207.htm
gay fathers,
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Zak's safari : a story for donor-conceived kids of two-mom families
Zak's safari : a story for donor-conceived kids of two-mom families
by Christy Tyner
illus. by Ciaee
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
33 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781502325464 ; 1502325462
My annotation: Narrated by a young boy, this is the story of how Zak’s family was made with the help of donor sperm. Zak takes the reader on a brief tour of how babies are made with sperm and egg, but explains that his parents didn’t have the sperm required because only men’s bodies have sperm and he has two moms. Zak explains how his parents visited a sperm bank and chose sperm from a catalog, making this the very first children’s book to describe the process of selecting sperm from a catalog. Zak also teaches his readers about “genes,” which carry secret instructions for how babies are to look as well. Zak’s tour of how babies are made is not as detailed as that in It takes love … but this is not a drawback. Zak explains just enough for his young readers to grasp early concepts around sperm donation. The book takes both a family-building approach and a child-conception approach because it explains the most basic details of how babies are made, while at the same time emphasizing that all families are made differently and that this is the way his family was made. The book employs the “helper” and the “nuts & bolts” scripts and is recommended for children ages 3-5.
Library of Congress Subject Headings:
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4992334
by Christy Tyner
illus. by Ciaee
Language: English
CreateSpace, 2014.
33 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9781502325464 ; 1502325462
My annotation: Narrated by a young boy, this is the story of how Zak’s family was made with the help of donor sperm. Zak takes the reader on a brief tour of how babies are made with sperm and egg, but explains that his parents didn’t have the sperm required because only men’s bodies have sperm and he has two moms. Zak explains how his parents visited a sperm bank and chose sperm from a catalog, making this the very first children’s book to describe the process of selecting sperm from a catalog. Zak also teaches his readers about “genes,” which carry secret instructions for how babies are to look as well. Zak’s tour of how babies are made is not as detailed as that in It takes love … but this is not a drawback. Zak explains just enough for his young readers to grasp early concepts around sperm donation. The book takes both a family-building approach and a child-conception approach because it explains the most basic details of how babies are made, while at the same time emphasizing that all families are made differently and that this is the way his family was made. The book employs the “helper” and the “nuts & bolts” scripts and is recommended for children ages 3-5.
Library of Congress Subject Headings:
- Sperm banks -- Juvenile fiction
- Artificial insemination -- Juvenile fiction
- Lesbian mothers -- Juvenile fiction
Available: https://www.createspace.com/4992334
lesbian mothers,
sperm donation,
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